<![CDATA[“If you see something that moves you, and then snap it, you keep a moment.” (1st place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185431 <![CDATA[Wherever there is light, one can photograph. Alfred Stieglitz (2nd place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185450 <![CDATA["Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still" - Dorothea Lange (3rd place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185439 <![CDATA[A camera didn't make a great picture anymore than a typewriter wrote a great novel. - Peter Adams (4th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185456 <![CDATA[My life is shaped by the urgent need to wander and observe, and my camera is my passport - S.McCurry (5th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185471 <![CDATA[Essentially what photography is, is life lit up - Sam Abell (6th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185475 <![CDATA[A good photograph is knowing where to stand. - Ansel Adams (7th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185447 <![CDATA[A good photograph is knowing where to stand (8th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185448 <![CDATA[If Your Pictures Aren’t Good Enough, You’re Not Close Enough (9th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185361 <![CDATA[We have the impression that all the pristine areas of our planet are gone but they are not. -Salgado (10th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185453 <![CDATA[“There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.” - Ansel Adams (11th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185306 <![CDATA[“Wherever there is light, one can photograph.” Alfred Stieglitz (12th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185432 <![CDATA[Light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. - George Eastman (13th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185413 <![CDATA["Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still"--Dorothea Lange (14th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185311 <![CDATA["...One doesn't stop framing. It doesn't turn off and turn on. Its on all the time." Annie Leibovitz (15th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185418 <![CDATA[ “Wherever there is light, one can photograph” (Alfred Stieglitz) (16th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185327 <![CDATA[Light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. (17th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185440 <![CDATA['All photos are accurate; none of them is telling the truth'- R.Avedon (18th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185443 <![CDATA[If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough (19th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185421 <![CDATA[If your pictures aren't good enough, you aren't close enough (20th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185465 <![CDATA[I don’t trust words. I trust pictures (21st place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185436 <![CDATA[“My emotions, instincts, and interests are all with nature.” – Eliot Porter (22nd place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185360 <![CDATA[The eye should learn to listen before it looks.--Robert Frank-- (23rd place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185416 <![CDATA[“If your pictures aren’t good enough, you aren’t close enough.” (Robert Capa) (24th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185451 <![CDATA[The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera. (25th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185457 <![CDATA[The camera sees more than the eye, so why not make use of it? - Edward Weston (26th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185419 <![CDATA[I like(when) the viewer is allowed to meditate on something that normally we don’t stop and stare at (27th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185275 <![CDATA[Let the subject generate its own photographs. Become a camera. — Minor White (28th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185446 <![CDATA["A good photograph is knowing where to stand." Ansel Adams (29th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185158 <![CDATA[ Photography is my second language (29th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185435 <![CDATA[“The photograph itself doesn’t interest me. I want only to capture a minute part of reality.” HCB (31st place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185473 <![CDATA["Only photograph what you love" ; "If your pictures aren't good enough, you aren't close enough" (32nd place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185395 <![CDATA[Photography is the story I fail to put into words. - Destin Sparks (32nd place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185297 <![CDATA["The subject matter is so much more important than the photographer" - Gordon Parks (34th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185466 <![CDATA[“Photograph: a picture painted by the sun without instruction in art.” — Ambrose Bierce (35th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185477 <![CDATA[All photographs are accurate. None of them is the truth. ~Richard Avedon (36th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185286 <![CDATA[A good photograph is knowing where to stand. (36th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185470 <![CDATA[Mysteries lie all around us, even in the most familiar things, waiting only to be perceived. (36th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185472 <![CDATA[We try to grab pieces of our lives as they speed past us. Photographs freeze those pieces and help … (39th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185140 <![CDATA[“Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.” (40th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185289 <![CDATA[“A picture is a secret about a secret, the more it tells you the less you know.” ― Diane Arbus (41st place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185309 <![CDATA[the more it tells you the less you know. (42nd place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185269 <![CDATA[Click with People (43rd place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185107 <![CDATA[A photograph is a secret about a secret. (44th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185476 <![CDATA[What would please me most is to make photographs as incomprehensible as life (45th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185464 <![CDATA["I have been photographing our toilet, that glossy enameled receptacle of extraordinary beauty...." (46th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185073 <![CDATA[Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst (47th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185460 <![CDATA[Anything more than 500 yards from the car just isn't photogenic (48th place)]]> http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=1185438