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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Obsolete
Showing posts 51 - 75 of 84, (reverse)
06/26/2005 08:43:56 PM · #51
How about a shot of Windows 98, ME, or 95? Heehee!

Have you heard that... hmm... I think Walmart and Target are going to completely stop selling video tapes, and sell only CD's?


I don't think I'll get to this challenge, but good luck to those of you who give it a go!
06/26/2005 09:24:02 PM · #52
Hmm...I read the cahllenge to mean people or person is not to be the main focus of the picture.

Nowhere in there does it say to have no people at all...but from this thread it looks like most voters are not understanding it that way.

Hmm...I spend the last 2 days at Greenfield Village and teh Henry Ford Museum...I have 500+ photos to go through. EVERYTHING I saw was obsolete!

Am I scaring anyone yet?
06/27/2005 07:50:00 AM · #53
Originally posted by ElGordo:

Yeah, the milkman, the iceman, the blacksmith, the switchboard operator, the etc. etc. obsolete profession. I think the SC is missing a good bet by excluding people in this challenge.

blacksmith is not obsolete. search it and you will see that there is a few left and they are very expensive.
06/27/2005 08:00:14 AM · #54
Ahhhh. But you forgot to address the not to be the main subject. part of the exception. Just an oversight on your part perhaps?

...not quite so clear now is it? ;^)

Originally posted by gprinsloo:

Exception: people (alive or dead) are not to be the main subject.

That is as clear as the difference between night and day to both living and dead.

If it works for you, is human (dead or alive) then its not good to submit.

06/27/2005 08:13:43 AM · #55
is this obsolete???

06/27/2005 09:22:44 AM · #56
Originally posted by notonline:

is this obsolete???

I saw them for sale recently at Walmart...so, no.
06/27/2005 10:11:33 AM · #57
True, true. Then use the human element and let the voters decide to which extent they interpret the rules.

I take the challenge as literally as it is stated and place the interpretations in the hands/clicks of the voters.
06/27/2005 11:14:06 AM · #58
This'll be my first ever entry (& forum post) edited by muckpond. Probably not strictly an obsolete item, but the term seems to be used for a multitude of things at the moment...

Message edited by muckpond - please keep challenge entries anonymous.
06/27/2005 12:51:55 PM · #59
Originally posted by notonline:

blacksmith is not obsolete. search it and you will see that there is a few left and they are very expensive.

Here in Arizona there are tons of blacksmiths!
06/27/2005 01:22:29 PM · #60
Mine probably won't get high scores, but I had such fun and just had to enter it. hee hee

Keep your eyes out.
06/27/2005 01:40:51 PM · #61
mine is 100% obsolete! its the technical details im gonna have trouble with...just want to beat my own average of 5.599(apple challenge). i dont think thats TOO much to ask for ;o)
06/27/2005 11:24:07 PM · #62
I'm just having a hard time picking one of the three shots I have.
Do I go with the "pretty" pictures that will be cliched and several others of the same object(s)? Or do I go with the more original, but not as such a "pretty" shushu frufru shot?
I want a higher score, but I don't want to sell out either......
06/28/2005 12:22:49 AM · #63
Originally posted by notonline:

is this obsolete???

I have one at my desk at work, and I solve it every other day. I found nothing to replace it yet, so I guess No, not obsolete. Antique maybe, but definitively not obsolete.

On the other hand, my pick is so obsolete that notmany people would recognize what it is. So, if you run into something in the challenge that you have no idea what's it for, please assume that it does meet the challenge.
06/28/2005 12:27:02 AM · #64
Originally posted by notonline:

is this obsolete???

I still have no idea how to solve it!
06/28/2005 12:55:48 AM · #65
The obselete challenge is my first ever entry. I'm not sure how well I'll do, but the way i see it is, im only 14 years old... so if not, I've got tons of time to improve.

i hope tons of time at least...

and a quick ?... when exactly DOES this challenge end? Midnight on when? Midnight Wed? or Midnight Tues??

06/28/2005 01:06:13 AM · #66
The submission deadline is midnight on the server time (check the bottom of the page) on the last day. Good luck!
06/28/2005 02:45:45 AM · #67
thanks...I'm new to this.

Message edited by author 2005-06-28 02:56:56.
06/28/2005 02:53:34 AM · #68
I think you should delete your picture... challenges and their photographers are supposed to be anonymous (sp)
06/28/2005 04:53:28 AM · #69
Originally posted by amjlt:

I'm just having a hard time picking one of the three shots I have.
Do I go with the "pretty" pictures that will be cliched and several others of the same object(s)? Or do I go with the more original, but not as such a "pretty" shushu frufru shot?
I want a higher score, but I don't want to sell out either......

Ah...the eternal struggle;)
06/28/2005 12:48:20 PM · #70
I have something that I think turned out quite well :)

..we will see how this community receives it though!
06/28/2005 12:56:55 PM · #71
When choosing an entry stop and don't over analyze or say to yourself "what would everybody think.." Just go with your gut. Don't second guess yourself. Then submit it and heave a sigh of relief.

I think this one is going to be really fun to view.

06/28/2005 01:05:13 PM · #72
I'd like to commend the SC on again posting a challenge that seems to be perfectly clear and easy to understand only to have it over thought and interrpertued to the point where nothing fits the challenge. This has got to be hard work yet everyone makes your job so easy every time. :)

06/28/2005 01:07:50 PM · #73
Originally posted by elsapo:

Originally posted by notonline:

is this obsolete???

I still have no idea how to solve it!

when we were kids the way to impress your friends by solving this was to take off all the stickers and put them where they belonged! :0)
06/28/2005 01:11:55 PM · #74
Ok let's not turn this into hot competition. Everyone one here is an artist with a unique style so let the public vote on what they like and leave it at that. Boasting will get you NOWHERE.
06/28/2005 02:13:25 PM · #75
Wow, with the challenge going into voting stage pretty soon, I'm glad that I read this thread! I had to include in my title a word from the challenge topic. ;)~

Over-analysation is running rampant. (And yes, I wanted to spell it that way.)
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