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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> Amazing Circles
Showing posts 101 - 125 of 179, (reverse)
12/18/2005 12:34:45 PM · #101
I started with an exit sign above some fall colors at the end of my hallway:

Then I did a polar coordinate distortion, 180 rotate, polar, rotate, and finished with a spherical distortion.

I also took an image of a surfer and did a single polar distortion on him. Then I cropped it off- center and adjusted some levels, color saturation, and since the distortion made it look like he had a hump, I cloned that out.

This is fun! Thank you for starting this thread! I would also like to add that I have Photoshop Elements 3.0 so you do not need the full version to do this!

Message edited by author 2005-12-18 12:44:52.
12/18/2005 01:02:20 PM · #102
You're welcome and thanks for the info for PS Elements users.
12/18/2005 01:03:20 PM · #103

I've moved on from flowers to tennis. This could be habit forming.
12/18/2005 01:08:52 PM · #104
Originally posted by Kavey:

And Longlive... WOWOWOW!

thanks kavey, and thank you for showing us this technique. its quite fun =)
12/18/2005 01:50:08 PM · #105
12/18/2005 02:10:02 PM · #106
12/18/2005 05:13:56 PM · #107
This one was three birds, but two remained visible after distorting it a few times.
12/18/2005 05:16:52 PM · #108
Originally posted by JeffryZ:

This one was three birds, but two remained visible after distorting it a few times.

That one is cool. Without the birds it looks like a native carving from a totem pole. Or two sleeping heads facing each other.
12/18/2005 05:53:42 PM · #109
this was just too much fun! :)

12/18/2005 08:52:52 PM · #110
This one is my favorite so far. It started out as a zygo or Christmas Cactus blossom. I could not possibly remember the steps I used to achieve it, but an assortment of rotations and distortions. I did do a little cloning to clean up one area and some levels. The colors are brilliant! The original background was grey so I am not sure where the blue came from.
12/18/2005 10:35:31 PM · #111
I tied the polar coordinates in PSP but didn't like it as much as the circular effect. I started this one with a transparent background then selected Warp under the circular options.


12/18/2005 10:50:32 PM · #112

Yup, this is definitely addictive...

12/19/2005 05:33:01 PM · #113
Isn't it just?

I don't know if anyone looked at all 52 of mine linked in the first post but I did ALL of those in ONE session on learning the easy technique!

I went through my entire digital photo collection looking for images that might work well for this.

And I thought the same, Zippy, about some of these images reminding me of old spherical glass paper weights.
12/19/2005 06:44:27 PM · #114
My first attempt:
12/19/2005 07:02:18 PM · #115
That's fab, but would you amend your description - definitely not my technique - I was just told about it by a friend who was told about it by one of his friends...

I don't mind you saying that you're using the technique Kav told you about but just feel uncomfortable with you calling it mine...

Ta, babes!
12/19/2005 07:04:22 PM · #116
Originally posted by Kavey:

That's fab, but would you amend your description - definitely not my technique - I was just told about it by a friend who was told about it by one of his friends...

I don't mind you saying that you're using the technique Kav told you about but just feel uncomfortable with you calling it mine...

Ta, babes!

Done! :)
12/19/2005 07:05:16 PM · #117
Originally posted by laurielblack:

My first attempt:

that is sweet, nice job Laurie
12/19/2005 07:06:48 PM · #118
Originally posted by laurielblack:

Done! :)

Good, now get your arse back into chat!
12/19/2005 07:08:13 PM · #119
Has anyone tried doing it twice on the same image?

12/19/2005 07:10:19 PM · #120
Ben, yeah someone has, I think either in this thread someone mentioned it, or in a thread on another forum where there's a thread on it...
But yeah!
12/19/2005 07:13:11 PM · #121
This started as a bunch of Pyracantha berries
12/19/2005 07:16:51 PM · #122
I admit I didnt read the whole thread, hehe, I got too excited just playing around :P
12/19/2005 07:18:18 PM · #123
Pretty - looks like a Christmass tree ornament!
12/29/2005 09:29:59 AM · #124
For Kavey! Thanks again!
12/29/2005 09:51:14 AM · #125
wow - great one banmorn
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