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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Xbox Live Anyone?
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Showing posts 326 - 350 of 710, (reverse)
11/21/2008 01:57:13 AM · #326
Originally posted by awpollard:

Originally posted by Konador:

Has anyone bought any of the new themes? I'm tempted by the Rock Band 2 one now that they're more than just a background image, but I wish we could preview them.

I got the Fable II theme, changes up the music... and the environment changes, for example when I go to Friends; the buildings that you guys are in front of are 3D renders from Fable. Where ever there are 3D gizmos they change to something from the Game the theme is based on.

Speaking of Change...anyone still playing Rainbow 6 Vegas 2... check the billboards and posters in the game, they always change for current movies and stuff. Right now they are doing the I'm a PC bits... gonna freak me out if I run across myself in the game.

Anyone figure out the friends party stuff... don't quite understand that, something about we can all be in a lobby/chat room and jump in and out of different games?

You're in those adverts?

I bought RSV2 from eBay to play coop with my bro but I haven't touched online. I'll give you a game sometime! My RockBand2 pre-order has been screwed up so I'll be combing the shops today :/

The party system is really useful, you just create a party and you can stay in contact with all ur friends via voice chat no matter what game you're playing. You also see more than 1 person in that space on your friends list, including people not even on your friends list. Yesterday I saw PzR Tak playing GH:WT with someone called PzR Tank... confuzzling!

Message edited by author 2008-11-21 01:58:59.
11/21/2008 08:10:32 AM · #327
Just bought Left4Dead and RB2... can't wait to get home from work! Which shall I play first...
11/21/2008 10:01:31 AM · #328
i tried the left4dead demo. seemed kinda like a free for all shoot everything kind of game. didn't seem to be much plot to it.

so i'd vote for RB2 ;}

Originally posted by Konador:

Just bought Left4Dead and RB2... can't wait to get home from work! Which shall I play first...

i'm still into R6V2 - just haven't played for a while.

11/21/2008 10:15:14 AM · #329
Originally posted by soup:

i tried the left4dead demo. seemed kinda like a free for all shoot everything kind of game. didn't seem to be much plot to it.

so i'd vote for RB2 ;}

Originally posted by Konador:

Just bought Left4Dead and RB2... can't wait to get home from work! Which shall I play first...

i'm still into R6V2 - just haven't played for a while.

Maybe a DPC team in versus?
11/21/2008 10:19:47 AM · #330
In reference to an earlier post about the cost of the upgrade Harddrives for the 360, I feel I must rant. What the hell is Microsoft thinking charging 200 dollars for a 120 gig HD??? Do they know you can buy a 1TB drive for around 170 dollars now. for 200 dollars they should give you at least 500 gig no less! What a RIP!!! Ok I feel better now.
11/21/2008 10:31:25 AM · #331
Originally posted by Bugzeye:

In reference to an earlier post about the cost of the upgrade Harddrives for the 360, I feel I must rant. What the hell is Microsoft thinking charging 200 dollars for a 120 gig HD??? Do they know you can buy a 1TB drive for around 170 dollars now. for 200 dollars they should give you at least 500 gig no less! What a RIP!!! Ok I feel better now.

They make the claim that it's because of the proprietary form factor that they have to use.

It's still absolutely ridiculous. This is one way that the PS3 has the 360 beat hands down. Then again, PS3 *makes* you install games. lol.
11/21/2008 10:33:59 AM · #332
the 120G HD is $149. not $200...

they can charge whatever they want - if people keep buying the stuff.


now 800MS points to change your gamer tag - seems a bit rediculous... but people must pay it.

Message edited by author 2008-11-21 10:35:26.
11/21/2008 10:36:31 AM · #333
sounds like it might be fun.

Originally posted by Spazmo99:

Maybe a DPC team in versus?

Message edited by author 2008-11-21 10:36:51.
11/21/2008 10:46:53 AM · #334
It was 199.99 at my local Walmart.

Originally posted by soup:

the 120G HD is $149. not $200...

they can charge whatever they want - if people keep buying the stuff.


now 800MS points to change your gamer tag - seems a bit rediculous... but people must pay it.
11/21/2008 10:49:32 AM · #335
Originally posted by Bugzeye:

It was 199.99 at my local Walmart.

Originally posted by soup:

the 120G HD is $149. not $200...

they can charge whatever they want - if people keep buying the stuff.


now 800MS points to change your gamer tag - seems a bit rediculous... but people must pay it.

I believe they're still $209.99 in my area too (Although that's in Canadian funds)
11/21/2008 11:44:07 AM · #336
Amazon has the 120GB HD for $135
11/21/2008 12:41:26 PM · #337
Originally posted by soup:

sounds like it might be fun.

Originally posted by Spazmo99:

Maybe a DPC team in versus?

RB6V2 - I would definitely be up for that! We could start a DPC party and talk cameras whilst blowing the cr*p out of each other! I suppose it's one way of deciding if a comment was helpful or not:)

I'm Mileskea57 in Xboxland look me up some time.
11/21/2008 12:46:35 PM · #338
Originally posted by mileskea:

Originally posted by soup:

sounds like it might be fun.

Originally posted by Spazmo99:

Maybe a DPC team in versus?

RB6V2 - I would definitely be up for that! We could start a DPC party and talk cameras whilst blowing the cr*p out of each other! I suppose it's one way of deciding if a comment was helpful or not:)

I'm Mileskea57 in Xboxland look me up some time.

Will do.

I was thinking that we could gang up on some unsuspecting newbies.

I played Terrorist Hunt the other night and wandered into a game that was set on "casual" after playing so long on "ealistic" I was shocked at how easy it was to rack up 90% of the kills pretty much every time. Of course there are a lot of players that will kick my butt
11/22/2008 01:32:00 PM · #339
i added to my list. pending your approval of course ;}

Originally posted by mileskea:

I'm Mileskea57 in Xboxland look me up some time.

11/22/2008 10:17:30 PM · #340
My Xbox 360 has been transformed into a Netflix 360, I cant stop watching movies on demand! Im sure the novelty will wear off, but for now its all Im doing w/my 360
11/23/2008 07:34:42 AM · #341
Anyone here buy Fallout 3 yet?
11/23/2008 09:13:48 AM · #342

Just rediscovering Dirt
11/23/2008 12:01:28 PM · #343
Originally posted by jmlelii:

Anyone here buy Fallout 3 yet?

I have. It's a nice time waster.
11/23/2008 12:49:03 PM · #344
Originally posted by K10DGuy:

Originally posted by jmlelii:

Anyone here buy Fallout 3 yet?

I have. It's a nice time waster.

F3 is like Oblivion with guns, right? Does it involve quest after quest after quest, or is it different than a regular RPG? I like the graphics from what I've seen but I am not into questing and finding gems and stuff a la warcrap. ;|
11/23/2008 12:52:43 PM · #345
Question on streaming from a PC to the Xbox. Our 360 is networked along with my 2 PCs but i'm having trouble trying to stream music from my PC. I have the Zune software installed but the Xbox doesn't see my PC. Any suggestions on how to get this right?

I'm googling it atm but any help would be appreciated, thanks. :)
11/23/2008 01:01:30 PM · #346
Originally posted by Jac:

Question on streaming from a PC to the Xbox. Our 360 is networked along with my 2 PCs but i'm having trouble trying to stream music from my PC. I have the Zune software installed but the Xbox doesn't see my PC. Any suggestions on how to get this right?

I'm googling it atm but any help would be appreciated, thanks. :)

All kinds of ways to do it...

For the Zune Library open the Zune Software on the PC you want to access.

Settings > Software > Sharing
Click Enable Media Sharing with XBOX 360

For no Zune:

If on Vista, it will find the Xbox 360 on your network and ask if you want to share music, photos and videos.

For Windoze XP, you will need Windows Media Connect.
Go //www.xbox.com/pcsetup to DL and Set it up.

Message edited by author 2008-11-23 13:12:21.
11/23/2008 01:42:00 PM · #347
I called the local walmart and talked to one of the inventory managers about the price of the 120 gig being 199 in the store vs the 149.00 on walmart.com She checked the display case and told me the price was indeed wrong in the store and offered me a 10 dollar walmart gift card for pointing out the mistake. So I went to walmart this morning picked up the gift card which was waiting at the customer service desk in an envolope with my name on it just like she said, and got my 120 gig hd for 139.99 Now I am trying to figure out which games I want to install to the drive.
11/23/2008 01:45:34 PM · #348
I was wondering how this stuff all worked myself, I was under the impression that if you have a zune player you could just pop it into one of the USB ports on the xbox 360, I have been meaning to try it with my ipod, just got the media center working the other day but only messed around looking at pictures, I didn't try to stream video or music yet.

Originally posted by Jac:

Question on streaming from a PC to the Xbox. Our 360 is networked along with my 2 PCs but i'm having trouble trying to stream music from my PC. I have the Zune software installed but the Xbox doesn't see my PC. Any suggestions on how to get this right?

I'm googling it atm but any help would be appreciated, thanks. :)
11/23/2008 02:18:57 PM · #349
I installed GoW2 to the HDD and wow what a difference it made. Noise was cut down by 99%. It only checks for authentication at start of game and that's it. We played Horde for 3 hours and never heard the XB. Great option but we only have the 60gb HDD. grr GoW2 was 6.7GB installed.

Message edited by author 2008-11-23 14:19:32.
11/23/2008 03:17:37 PM · #350
Originally posted by Bugzeye:

I was wondering how this stuff all worked myself, I was under the impression that if you have a zune player you could just pop it into one of the USB ports on the xbox 360, I have been meaning to try it with my ipod, just got the media center working the other day but only messed around looking at pictures, I didn't try to stream video or music yet.

Originally posted by Jac:

Question on streaming from a PC to the Xbox. Our 360 is networked along with my 2 PCs but i'm having trouble trying to stream music from my PC. I have the Zune software installed but the Xbox doesn't see my PC. Any suggestions on how to get this right?

I'm googling it atm but any help would be appreciated, thanks. :)

That is another way to do it... Just plug your MP3 player in one of the USB ports. Press the Dashboard button, go to media tab and select your music. I have 3 PCs (2 Vista Ultimates and a WinXP MCE2005) and 2 Zune Libraries to choose from... the wife's 80G Zune is using a subcription and she has it full...word of advice Shuffle All for 80G of media talks a long time to start.

Nothing like playing Rainbow 6 LV2 with Disturbed playing. :)
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