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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Photography jokes
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10/28/2009 05:29:11 AM · #1
So we have this photography convention coming up this weekend in which Judi will be a guest speaker and workshop presenter.
We had a meeting tonight and our MC was saying he tried looking online for good photography jokes but couldn't find any and of course my first thought was ask here LOL

So show us your best joke or a link to a site with jokes ;)
10/28/2009 05:37:40 AM · #2
This is a popular one.
10/28/2009 05:46:49 AM · #3
1st joke

In an attempt to see who was the most efficient at law enforcement, the President had his men turn 3 rabbits loose in 3 different patches of woods. He then called in the CIA, FBI, and the LAPD and told each of them to go out and find the rabbit.

The CIA set up covert ops, and made connections within the animal community, paid spooks and assasins for information, and at the end of 6 months, concluded that the rabbit did not exist.

The FBI carpet bombed the patch of woods, killing everything in it, and made no appologies for the loss of life because any animal helping the rabbit to hide, deserved whatever it got.

The LAPD went into the woods and within 10 minutes, came out with a bear in handcuffs, beating it half to death with their riot batons. The bear was reported to be yelling, "OK, OK...I'M A RABBIT! I'M A RABBIT!!"

2nd joke

Two boys were arguing when the teacher entered the room The teacher says, "Why are you arguing?"

One boy answers, "We found a ten dollar bill and decided to give it to the person who tells the biggest lie."

"You should be ashamed of yourselves," said the teacher, "When I was your age, I didn't even know what a lie was."

The boys gave the ten dollars to the teacher.

3rd joke

Son : Mum, when I was on the bus with Dad this morning, he told me to give up my seat to a lady.
Mum : Well, you have done the right thing.
Son : But mum, I was sitting on daddy's lap.

My favorite jokes...Hope it would help you..
10/28/2009 06:24:39 AM · #4
Maybe some here...
10/28/2009 06:31:20 AM · #5
LOL Ken how did you find that i searched photography jokes./.....I just remembered most people say search goggle with DPC and then the subject ;)
10/28/2009 06:33:46 AM · #6
Originally posted by joynim:

LOL Ken how did you find that i searched photography jokes./.....I just remembered most people say search goggle with DPC and then the subject ;)

LOL - actually I just Googled "Photography Jokes" and that thread came up #1 :)
10/28/2009 01:16:21 PM · #7
10/28/2009 01:30:11 PM · #8
There's the one about the baby photographer. It is rather long though, so it may be better read than oral, not sure.
10/28/2009 02:24:53 PM · #9
Yeah I think that one's in the thread Ken posted
10/28/2009 04:25:53 PM · #10
Don't know how this would carry over at a conference, but What the Duck? always has funny photography-related comic strips.

Maybe you could use one of their comic strips to show on the big screen while the attendees are getting settled into their seats.

10/28/2009 04:42:51 PM · #11
So.......you're out on a photojournalism assignment to cover a flash flood.

You happen to the edge of a riverbank where the swollen torrent has cut into the earth so badly that the shoreline is treacherous.

Right in front of you, the bank gives way and a lawyer and a politician fall into the water leaving you time to save only one.....

What lens and shutter speed would you use?
10/28/2009 05:03:58 PM · #12
best comic ever...and it's about photography :D
What the DUCK
10/28/2009 06:26:41 PM · #13
Originally posted by Pug-H:

This is a popular one.

10/28/2009 06:34:56 PM · #14
Originally posted by ben4345:

Originally posted by Pug-H:

This is a popular one.


He's right - a popular joke on DPC.
11/02/2009 02:05:40 AM · #15
And after all those suggestions the only joke the MC told us was one that had absolutely nothing to do with photography!

Was great to meet, listen and learn from Judi, she is one very inspirational photographer. One of the goth models from the weekend just happens to live with me and now that she has had a taste of modeling she wants more more and more!

joynim we need to get some of the girls together and do it again real soon!
11/02/2009 02:18:17 AM · #16
Originally posted by Toya:

And after all those suggestions the only joke the MC told us was one that had absolutely nothing to do with photography!

Was great to meet, listen and learn from Judi, she is one very inspirational photographer. One of the goth models from the weekend just happens to live with me and now that she has had a taste of modeling she wants more more and more!

joynim we need to get some of the girls together and do it again real soon!

Awww....come on Toya...you will ruin my bad reputation if you say things like that...LMAO!!!
11/02/2009 02:49:15 AM · #17
The only reason we got most of the jokes was my laptop crashed! *#$%# timing - right after I had fixed another PPT.
Thoroughly enjoyed Judi's work (and the other speakers)
11/02/2009 12:06:42 PM · #18
Lol nice to see you here Toya and Chris ;)
11/02/2009 01:34:43 PM · #19
none of those had anything to do with photography...

Originally posted by jamesgilee:

My favorite jokes...Hope it would help you..

11/02/2009 08:21:03 PM · #20
Originally posted by Judi:

Awww....come on Toya...you will ruin my bad reputation if you say things like that...LMAO!!!

You have a bad reputation? Gosh darn I knew there was a reason why I liked ya!
11/02/2009 08:23:23 PM · #21
Originally posted by joynim:

Lol nice to see you here Toya and Chris ;)

Yeah well, been a member for two years but just haven't found the time before now. One more month and I will be committee free and have time to spare (insert Tui advert here)and out there spending heaps of time on my photographic interests.

11/02/2009 09:45:36 PM · #22
I got a joke:

Sony in the pro market.

Ah ha ha ha ha ha.


Seriously though, maybe in 10 years.
11/02/2009 10:06:33 PM · #23
You Tube, When a Japanese Baby is Born
11/02/2009 10:49:50 PM · #24
Here's one
11/03/2009 01:07:19 AM · #25
Originally posted by MelonMusketeer:

You Tube, When a Japanese Baby is Born

That's too funny!
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