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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Worthy Successor of Sony F 707?
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10/08/2012 06:25:50 AM · #1
If you look at the photographs that have scored 7.5 and above, Canon EOS series SLRs clearly rule the world, followed by Nikon DSLRs.

But, one camera that regularly figured in top-scoring photographs was Sony DSC F 707. I dont think this camera is available now in the market.
I am particularly impressed at the crisp still-life photographs taken by this camera.

Any camera which can be called a worthy successor of Sony DSC F707?
A look at the F-707!

Message edited by author 2012-10-08 06:28:26.
10/08/2012 06:50:36 AM · #2
Sadly, the latest one in that series came out in '04 (and I don't know how it compared to the previous ones). Here's the F series:

Wikipedia Link

If you find one of them for sale and really do want to buy it, you can always use the Comparometer to pixel-peep. Click "All" in both frames, choose the F707 on one side, and a different F model on the other side. Only images from the F505, F505V, F707, F717, F828, and F88 are available on that site. From the Wikipedia link, you'll see the F707's predecessors generally have smaller sensors, as does the F88 - so you might want to shy away from those unless you find some stellar review somewhere (the imaging-resource website and dpreview.com are what I check most often).

One more thing: An excellent-condition F828 still goes for $250 on eBay (Buy It Now). Perhaps for that price you'll find another "legendary" camera that came out in the last 3 years rather than 8 years ago?
10/12/2012 12:37:01 AM · #3
Any other suggestions?
10/12/2012 12:47:31 AM · #4
Yes, stop worrying about the camera. It's the photographer not the camera.
10/12/2012 10:41:00 AM · #5
I lOVED the 707.

I gave it to my niece when I upgraded to the Rebel several years ago. It has only been in the past year that she stopped using it -- it finally just gave up the ghost.

It took great pictures and was easy to handle and use. I wish I could find a comparable camera to carry around when I don't need a big one.

As far as not worrying about the camera, while it is true that the camera is not the end-all-be-all, there are definitely features that make it easier to do your job. What made the 707 so great is that it was small & easy to handle, took great pictures AND was affordable. Now, it seems like you have to choose 2 out of the three
10/12/2012 11:05:24 AM · #6
Originally posted by karmat:

... Now, it seems like you have to choose 2 out of the three

Spoken like someone with recent experience, LOL!
10/12/2012 11:13:00 AM · #7
The 707, like the Nikon Coolpix 9XX "twist body" design was very innovative. That long "snout" was great for stabilizing the camera. In its day, it was one of the top cameras for the non-DSLR crowd, which was the majority of us at the time. It's amazing, though, how far we've come.
10/12/2012 03:03:52 PM · #8
Originally posted by kirbic:

Originally posted by karmat:

... Now, it seems like you have to choose 2 out of the three

Spoken like someone with recent experience, LOL!

hahaha, yep. even though this time I was looking for a "big" camera, so I didn't have to worry about the size as much, i did notice it in my shopping around.
10/12/2012 05:05:55 PM · #9
I still use my F717, from time to time. The infrared capability comes in handy.
10/18/2012 12:57:01 AM · #10
Originally posted by salmiakki:

Yes, stop worrying about the camera. It's the photographer not the camera.

Then why do you hold so many of them?
Nikon D800
Apple iPhone 3Gs
Leica D-Lux 4
Nikon D300
Olympus PEN E-PL1
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