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DPChallenge Forums >> The Critique Club >> I'm ready for a "Critique Club" review!
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02/04/2005 09:55:19 PM · #1
I have taken what I believe is a great photo of an Osprey. It can be found on my profile site. Could everyone please give my on honest review? Thanks!
02/04/2005 10:02:05 PM · #2
I'm not in the Critique Club but I left you a comment on the image. :-)
02/04/2005 10:05:55 PM · #3
Thanks Jen, that was really helpful
02/04/2005 10:07:26 PM · #4
Originally posted by Jeff O:

Thanks Jen, that was really helpful

You're welcome. Glad you thought so.
02/04/2005 10:18:21 PM · #5
Great shot jeff! I hope ya didn't mind but I tewaked it just a little(I am bored), the original was very nice. Ospreys are some cool looking birds too!

02/04/2005 10:20:16 PM · #6
It's a great photo. There is one small improvement you can make, it was saved at a fairly low quality setting and is showing some jpeg artifacts due to this. When you save the file make sure you have the quality level as high as you can without producing an overly large photo. For the challenges you are limited to photos that are no larger then 150 Kbytes, your photo is taking a fraction of that at 55 Kbytes. The artifacts are not real obvious, but why loose any of the sharpness of the photo?
02/04/2005 10:20:43 PM · #7
Thanks for the comment. What exactly did you do to tweak it?
02/04/2005 10:23:25 PM · #8
Thanks Scott, I didn't know that and I will now keep that in mind. Thanks again for the post!
02/04/2005 10:23:38 PM · #9
A little crop, dodged the catchlight in the eye, a little burn and saturation. There wasn't much.
02/04/2005 10:29:23 PM · #10
Jeff, left this a comment as well.

A very nice shot Jeff. As butterflysis pointed out great boke and dof. Colors and sharpness set a beautiful feel.

Here come the druthers (IMO)... Technically a very good crop leaving open space in the direction the hawk is looking...however that open area is quite busy here. The branches in focus all going in several directions create a pattern that draws my eye to that area. At the very least I would clone out the very dark twig that is pointing straight up from lead branch, I might also clone or blur that "naked" twig that is just to the left of the hawks mid section. Ultimately if all that remained in that open space was the main branch the thick branch jutting up to the left, I feel my attention would be directed back to the hawk. An 8x10 crop with the hawk in the right 2/3s might help remove some of the distractions on the left as well.

Just me but I would like to see a tad bit more light in the area of the eye to bring out a little more detail.

Great shot with excellent sharpness and clarity.
02/04/2005 10:42:53 PM · #11
Thanks Andy, those were some great suggestions! When become better with Photoshop I will give your ideas a try.
02/04/2005 10:54:07 PM · #12
That's a beautiful photo, but it's not an Osprey. It's a Red Shouldered Hawk. Or at least I'm 99% sure. Would like to see more of the tail and back, but that's what it looks like, especially with those white spots on the wing, and the fact that the white stripe on the tail in more narrow than the dark.

1% chance in my mind it's a wintering Broad Wing, but doubt it. Red Shouldered hawks are pretty common to Florida and are pretty beautiful as you can see.
02/04/2005 11:01:32 PM · #13
Being that I no nothing about birds, I had to ask one of my old Florida Cracker friends what kind of a bird it was. That's interesting! I'll have fun setting him straight on Monday.
02/04/2005 11:09:00 PM · #14
This is an awful picture, but this is an Osprey, and in Florida no less. Those gigantic nests you see on the top of telephone poles along the roads close to water are typically Osprey nests.
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