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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> sigh.. where else can i take my rebel for repairs?
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06/23/2005 02:39:43 PM · #1
i called canon and notified them about my little CF pin mishap, and asked what the price would be to fix it considering that the camera is no longer under warranty.. they quoted me $180 for parts/labor. obviously, this is a heck of a lot more than i would like to pay and i'm wondering if anybody knows of a better way to get it done. do local camera shops do specific repairs like this? will best buy/other stores fix it for me even if i didn't buy it there?

also - i seem to remember the guy that i bought it from mentioning that he still hadn't filled out the warranty stuff, and it should be in the box (which is in LA - where i'm not at to check, at the moment).. does anybody know if i fill it out and mail it in w/o a receipt if canon will deny the warranty?
06/23/2005 03:12:22 PM · #2
Sorry to hear that Brian. Normally, they will want to see a dated sales receipt from the retailer.

Just out of curiosity, and to help prevent me from doing the same thing, how did the pin get bent?
06/23/2005 03:31:08 PM · #3
See this thread. Doh! I Bent....
06/23/2005 03:42:51 PM · #4
I preface this by saying that I have no experience in trying to get what you're after:

Look for camera clubs in your area - what you're after is the local expertise in getting cameras repaired. Who do the hardcore photographers who live in your city go to?

Repairing the pins inside your Rebel must be much like some computer hardware repairs. Find out who are the competent people in your area who do PC repair. Explain to them what you need. Straightening a bent pin can't be too tough, but by the same token, you don't want some yah-hoo going in there with a needle-nose either. You want someone who knows how to repair delicate electronics.

Good luck dude. I feel for ya.

Message edited by author 2005-06-23 15:47:34.
06/23/2005 04:40:21 PM · #5
I think the largest independent repairers of cameras are Mack, they offer those warranties that you can buy with camera. Might want to give them a try.

06/23/2005 06:37:55 PM · #6
I stopped by Best Buy earlier and they said they'll only fix cameras that they sold under some kind of warranty with them.

Tom: Thanks for the link - I just called Mack, but they're closed.. I'll try again tomorrow.

John: That's a good idea. I haven't had any contact with local camera people, but could try asking around. I would be tempted to ask a computer repair person, except that the assembly/disassembly of the camera is certainly different and I'd be afraid that they would mess something up.

Mick: Just stupidity essentially, but Robert included the link to the post that I initially announced it. Basically, I tried forcing some cheap CF card in rather than taking it out and trying again.

06/23/2005 06:58:48 PM · #7
brianh, have you tried doing a google search for camera repairs, or variations of those words? A while back I did that for lens repairs and found many who were willing to go into a lens and clean it.
06/23/2005 07:00:06 PM · #8
do you honestly have to get it repaired? couldn't you try the buy-new-one-box-switch-return method?

Message edited by author 2005-06-23 19:00:35.
06/23/2005 07:03:38 PM · #9
Originally posted by thewriterside:

do you honestly have to get it repaired? couldn't you try the buy-new-one-box-switch-return method?

Since camera stores tend to check the serial numbers on returned cameras...this may not be the best plan. Not to mention it's illegal in some juristictions. :)

06/23/2005 07:05:18 PM · #10
Oh. Well, I guess we should all forget my method then ; )
06/24/2005 06:04:27 AM · #11
My two bits on bent pins in CF slots...

I've got a powershot A70 that was uneconomic to repair due to the same problem., and as I have a good deal of experience with delicate electronics/mechanics I didn't hesitate to leap in and fix it myself... It had one bent pin, and one 'pushed back' into the connector.

From my experience with the A70, there is no reliable way to fix a bent pin without taking the camera to bits, and removing the connector from the metal 'box' that the card slides into. That means you really want to have someone who has good skills with repairing delicate gear.

That isn't a PC repair place these days, unless the tech/engineer is old school, as most PC places these days don't 'repair' anything, they're just swap plug in bits till it goes. (Appologies to computer repair people...)

If someone says they can fix the pin without major surgery they are probably dreaming. I think $180 from Canon is probably quite reasonable for the amount of time it would take to dissasemble the camera, replace the connector and reassemble and test. And you'd get a new connector, not a fixed one, which is an advantage.

A 'fixed' one will be weaker in the straightened pins than the new one, and will probably fail again. I'm expecting my A70 to crap out sometime soon..

Cheers, Me.

Message edited by author 2005-06-24 06:04:43.
06/24/2005 09:28:05 AM · #12
woohoo Kiwi !! A voice of reason! Get the darn thing fixed correctly!
06/25/2005 05:58:37 AM · #13
Originally posted by di53:

woohoo Kiwi !! A voice of reason! Get the darn thing fixed correctly!

Ahhh, Yeah.

Sorry about that.

Momentary lapse of stupidity. :-).
06/25/2005 06:03:25 AM · #14
Well it makes sense to spend the extra few dollars, and have Canon fix it properly. They'll replace the bent part and fix anything else that is wrong , and you'll have a like new camera back.

Originally posted by KiwiChris:

Originally posted by di53:

woohoo Kiwi !! A voice of reason! Get the darn thing fixed correctly!

Ahhh, Yeah.

Sorry about that.

Momentary lapse of stupidity. :-).
06/25/2005 06:27:05 AM · #15
Plus, when you consider your original investment- $180 is a really good price.

06/26/2005 06:26:17 AM · #16
Very true- after checking around.. I got one quote of $175, and one place won't call me back... I guess that means they don't think they can do it. Anyway, I guess I'll end up biting the bullet and sending it to Canon.. thanks to you all for your input and help. Kiwi - I hope your Powershot stays in good condition. I'm assuming my 'fixed' will work perfectly fine.. since the pin is fully missing, they're gonna have to replace the whole thing, not just bend the pin back!
06/26/2005 09:07:01 AM · #17

If your pin appears to be missing, and didn't come out with the card it's probably been pushed back into the connector..

Check the CF card that is 'guilty' and you may find that one of the small plastic holes has a dint near it where the pin dug into the plastic as it was pushed back..

If that is the case, be very careful using that card again in a camera, or clean up the plastic hole with a craft knife so there isn't a 'catch' for your CF connector pins again.. (fiddly job, YMMV, and I didn't suggest this...)

I chucked the one that damaged the A70, otherwise I'd take a macro photo to show you, it's obvious when you look at it why the pins bent, it was a very cheap brand X card with quite soft plastic around the connector end, and not very accurately formed holes. Two pins had bit into the plastic and one bent, the other one was pushed back.

Good to hear you're going to got he canon way with the repair, it's the best option at the end of the day..

Cheers, Me.
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