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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Joey Lawrence
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 56, (reverse)
08/04/2005 02:35:17 AM · #1
I know there has been a thread before about his work but I could not help myself, I had to express my feeling after looking through his challenge entries and portfolio.

Joey you have given us 110% in every photograph in your portfolio and challenge entries. Your photographs are astonishing and even with a limited camera you make them limitless. I can’t image an individual at your age with such raw talent, it’s amazing, I truly believe one day I maybe telling my children, “hey I knew him from DPC’, when I see your work published.

Another thing about your work is the emotion. Whether it’s a statement or a depiction, you seem to convey it just right. You don’t over do it, nor do you stop short. It’s as if you see the photograph in your head before you take the picture and when you are processing you know exactly where to stop. Giving us the maximum enjoyment in your photographs.

OK people I’m sorry I started a thread about an individual because there are a lot of great photographers here. I just now had the time to go through Joey’s entries and portfolio and It just amazed me and wanted to congratulate him and let him know what I though of his work.

Joey, Great Work! And I hope you give everything in life the same attention (110%) as you have in your work here.

Message edited by author 2005-08-04 02:39:36.
08/04/2005 02:45:51 AM · #2
Amen, he is truly inspiring.
...although it makes an old fart like me just getting started really think I'm way behind the 8 ball ! hehehe
08/04/2005 02:46:18 AM · #3
Awwwe! Little Joey, people really actually like you!
(pssst, SDW65- your money is on the way) ;-)
Naw, just kidding. Joey's a class act slag, love the kid! :)
08/04/2005 03:08:11 AM · #4
Joey who??
08/04/2005 03:08:36 AM · #5
Joey truly is a talented kid. I am equally amazed by his work at such a young age. He is a natural - not learned, but born with the gift.

Keep on wowing us Joey!

- Linda
08/04/2005 03:22:23 AM · #6
The thing about age is that it is about probability. I mean, I’m young by most standards, and Joey has a decade before he sees my years, but I’ve been surprised by the youngest talents and wondered why. I think in a lot of ways that someone being before their time is just a matter of statistically young people don’t pay attention to the things that maturity illuminates. Then again, some things require a great deal of real world experience. As I’ve gotten older I’ve begun to settle down mentally. I’m an intense person and my thoughts are perhaps too enveloping for my health. The youth bring the future and much appreciated perspective to those who have lost the inspiration of it. I used to be a ‘skater’ back when skateboarding was still a deviant sport. Since I’ve gained enough weight to destroy a good pair of trucks and enough fear to prevent any sort of risky gap attempt, I’ve seen kids that were born in the early nineties pull off things I’d never dreamed of. I’m not trying to discredit Joey (Great handle, by the way), but never underestimate what the young are capable of. They are frequently not interested in the things that older people are but just the same are often capable. I commend Joey for his presence in a world that so few of his peers are competitive at. Keep up the good work and never stop pushing your limits. Now if I could just inspire SDW65 to shamelessly promote my work…hmm…[scratches chin]…
08/04/2005 03:30:26 AM · #7
Ditto what NightShy said...Joey's such a goofball. Hate his guts. :)
Amazingly talented though. Dangit, it's not fair! :P
08/04/2005 08:53:43 AM · #8
Originally posted by SDW65:

It’s as if you see the photograph in your head before you take the picture and when you are processing you know exactly where to stop.


Aside from Joey's obvious talent, in a technical sense, this is the key right here. It's called "previsualization" and few of us have it, or use it, whatever our age. It's what sets great pictures apart from good pictures; a sense of vision, a sense thate verything is as it is for a REASON, that there are no accidents in the work.

Another young photographer at DPC whose work is marvelous beyond his years is Zoomdak. He has a very different vision from Joey's (Joey is visceral, Thomas is cerebral), but he fully realizes it at an admirable level.

Way to go, Thomas and Joey!

08/04/2005 09:01:58 AM · #9
Suckers, Joey is actually a 72 year old retired IT Manager, and has been pulling the wool over your eyes!
08/04/2005 09:23:16 AM · #10
I agree completely, but don't tell Joey, you'll give him a swelled head.

Oops, too late:

08/04/2005 09:43:39 AM · #11
Originally posted by bear_music:

Another young photographer at DPC whose work is marvelous beyond his years is Zoomdak.

Also Annah, Nightshy and Tranquil. Together with Joey and Zoomdak, they routinely exhibit creativity and skill well beyond their years. Arnit, Konador and Thamer are old now, so they don't count. ;-)
08/04/2005 09:44:53 AM · #12
Only 66 more people adding Joey to their favorite photographer's list for him to be in the top 15...
C'mon let's add him!! :-)
08/04/2005 09:45:35 AM · #13
Originally posted by rgarciah55:

C'mon let's add him!! :-)

Uh, no... let's not. ;-P
08/04/2005 09:47:15 AM · #14
Hey don't go calling me old! I'm the same age as Zoomdak and you aint goin around calling him old :P

Message edited by author 2005-08-04 09:48:13.
08/04/2005 09:48:03 AM · #15
Originally posted by scalvert:

Originally posted by rgarciah55:

C'mon let's add him!! :-)

Uh, no... let's not. ;-P

08/04/2005 09:50:56 AM · #16
Originally posted by Konador:

I'm the same age as Zoomdak...

Well then, you should feel doubly honored that I thought you were older. Nico_blue isn't exactly over the hill either. ;-)

Message edited by author 2005-08-04 10:21:36.
08/04/2005 09:53:08 AM · #17
Originally posted by Konador:

Hey don't go calling me old! I'm the same age as Zoomdak and you aint goin around calling him old :P

that means im gonna be old in a year!
08/04/2005 09:53:20 AM · #18
Originally posted by Konador:

Hey don't go calling me old! I'm the same age as Zoomdak and you aint goin around calling him old :P

Somehow you feel older...
08/04/2005 09:53:35 AM · #19
Originally posted by scalvert:

Originally posted by bear_music:

Another young photographer at DPC whose work is marvelous beyond his years is Zoomdak.

Also Annah, Nightshy and Tranquil. Together with Joey and Zoomdak, they routinely exhibit creativity and skill well beyond their years. Arnit, Konador and Thamer are old now, so they don't count. ;-)

Originally posted by bear_music:

Another young photographer at DPC whose work is marvelous beyond his years is Zoomdak. He has a very different vision from Joey's (Joey is visceral, Thomas is cerebral), but he fully realizes it at an admirable level.

Way to go, Thomas and Joey!


Yes I totally agree there are a lot of talent here and a lot in our younger photographers. Zoomdak has been a favorite of mine for a long time.

But When I exited Joey's portfolio last night it was like walking out of the best move I've see, you know the type, the ones you are compelled to tell everyone about.

08/04/2005 10:00:09 AM · #20
Originally posted by rgarciah55:

Originally posted by Konador:

Hey don't go calling me old! I'm the same age as Zoomdak and you aint goin around calling him old :P

Somehow you feel older...

don't wanna know how you know what he feels like. :P
08/04/2005 10:02:45 AM · #21
Originally posted by elsapo:

that means im gonna be old in a year!

Holy crap! They're everywhere! Now I feel old. :-(

BTW- you should have 1/2 dozen ribbons by now. I'll bet it takes a lot of effort for you to avoid them. ;-)

Message edited by author 2005-08-04 10:05:43.
08/04/2005 10:03:46 AM · #22
Originally posted by Konador:

Hey don't go calling me old! I'm the same age as Zoomdak and you aint goin around calling him old :P

You voluntarily relinquished your youth on this site when you accepted your position as an authority figure, dude. jejeje™


Message edited by author 2005-08-04 10:04:02.
08/04/2005 10:04:30 AM · #23
Originally posted by Pedro:

Originally posted by rgarciah55:

Originally posted by Konador:

Hey don't go calling me old! I'm the same age as Zoomdak and you aint goin around calling him old :P

Somehow you feel older...

don't wanna know how you know what he feels like. :P

Well, he's 18 now.......
08/04/2005 10:09:11 AM · #24
To be honest, I don't really factor in "age" in my evaluations unless I become aware that a photographer is VERY young or VERY accomplished. No disrespect to the many other fine, young photographers mentioned herein (and those who have not been) but Thomas and Joey are among our best photographers PERIOD, and so that they are as young as they are is particularly impressive.

08/04/2005 10:12:44 AM · #25
On the bottom of his profile he has a line "please don't chase the clouds, pagodas". Quiz: Who knows where this is quoted from? -extra points if you know the next verse after this one. :-)
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