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Showing posts 101 - 110 of 110, (reverse)
11/17/2005 10:08:17 PM · #101
Originally posted by photodude:

Today I was in NY City. We were all warned on the subway to be alert for suspicious things - "if you see something, say something" it goes. Like thats really going to stop determined suicide bombers. To get into office buildings for routine meetings, you have to sign in, be photographed and in some cases go thru metal detectors and put your belongings through xray machines.


That's what I know about Islam.

I seem to remember going through metal detectors and signing in before 9-11 in NYC. I know security has been stepped up, but this stuff did not appear all of the sudden as you are implying. It has long been known that mass transit may be subject to an attack by somebody (not just Islamist extremists). It was only a matter of time before warnings would be extended to the IRT in NYC. Warnings to be suspicious of unattended bags have existed at airports long before 9-11. While I think I can understand your anger towards Islamic extremists, I feel you are unjustified in blaming them for everything, as you seem to be doing.
11/17/2005 10:12:27 PM · #102
Originally posted by theSaj:

Originally posted by DrAchoo:

Could you name the Five Pillars of the Islamic Faith without Googling it? I couldn't. If you're getting your knowledge of mainstream Islam from Bill O'Reilly or CBN, I'd be a little worried...

Probably not, but then again, few can quote the 10 Commandments either. Even less the Beautitudes.

Agreed. But I'd trust few to be able to tell me what mainstream Christianity was "really" about either...
11/17/2005 10:17:04 PM · #103
Originally posted by photodude:

Let me share what I know about Islam.

This past weekend I went to Washington DC. Every building and monument in the downtown area was lined with Islamic Barriers (thats my term for the highway barriers and large planters)in a futile attempt to keep us safe from car/truck bombs. When I went to park my car in a garage at a museum, it was searched for bombs, and when I went to retreive it, I had to go thru a metal detector to get back into the garage.

Today I was in NY City. We were all warned on the subway to be alert for suspicious things - "if you see something, say something" it goes. Like thats really going to stop determined suicide bombers. To get into office buildings for routine meetings, you have to sign in, be photographed and in some cases go thru metal detectors and put your belongings through xray machines.


That's what I know about Islam.

Here's what I know about Christianity...

Scientific thought used to be taught in our schools without teachers being taken to court.
Women used to be able to exercise their legal rights without fear of being killed by bombs.

I'm taking to point to it's extreme, but those are the result of "extreme Christianity". Are you ready to lay that at the feet of "mainstream" religion? I'm not.
11/18/2005 07:48:30 AM · #104
Originally posted by pidge:

Originally posted by photodude:

Today I was in NY City. We were all warned on the subway to be alert for suspicious things - "if you see something, say something" it goes. Like thats really going to stop determined suicide bombers. To get into office buildings for routine meetings, you have to sign in, be photographed and in some cases go thru metal detectors and put your belongings through xray machines.


That's what I know about Islam.

I seem to remember going through metal detectors and signing in before 9-11 in NYC. I know security has been stepped up, but this stuff did not appear all of the sudden as you are implying. It has long been known that mass transit may be subject to an attack by somebody (not just Islamist extremists). It was only a matter of time before warnings would be extended to the IRT in NYC. Warnings to be suspicious of unattended bags have existed at airports long before 9-11. While I think I can understand your anger towards Islamic extremists, I feel you are unjustified in blaming them for everything, as you seem to be doing.

Prior to 9/11, with the exception of the WTC (which we all remember had been hit by the Terrorist Cult in 1993), I can think of no other office building in NYC that in order to enter you had to show ID, be photographed, or go through a metal detector. It was also legal to photograph bridges while driving or walking on them. There were no random bag searches in the subway. Trucks could go on the lower level of double deck bridges.

In response to Glad2badad's point about hijacking the thread - it wasn't my intention to do that. I was just trying to make a point as to why our rights and freedoms are being trampled here in the USA. Prior to 9/11, did any local cop care that someone was taking pictures of airplanes? We can either accept this defensive posture (with all the inconvenience, cost and loss of freedom)- or do something about the actual problem.

And to DrAchoo... Personally I'm not a fan of the religious right here either. In some ways they want to impose a Christian version of an Islamic state here. BUT, with some very rare exceptions, they do not pose a threat to my personal safety and do not want to exterminate me for being an infidel.

11/18/2005 07:58:32 AM · #105
Originally posted by photodude:

And to DrAchoo... Personally I'm not a fan of the religious right here either. In some ways they want to impose a Christian version of an Islamic state here. BUT, with some very rare exceptions, they do not pose a threat to my personal safety and do not want to exterminate me for being an infidel.

That's because you don't work at an abortion clinic or head an oil-rich South American country, right?

Message edited by author 2005-11-18 07:59:14.
11/18/2005 09:44:07 AM · #106
Originally posted by photodude:

Originally posted by pidge:

Originally posted by photodude:

Today I was in NY City. We were all warned on the subway to be alert for suspicious things - "if you see something, say something" it goes. Like thats really going to stop determined suicide bombers. To get into office buildings for routine meetings, you have to sign in, be photographed and in some cases go thru metal detectors and put your belongings through xray machines.


That's what I know about Islam.

I seem to remember going through metal detectors and signing in before 9-11 in NYC. I know security has been stepped up, but this stuff did not appear all of the sudden as you are implying. It has long been known that mass transit may be subject to an attack by somebody (not just Islamist extremists). It was only a matter of time before warnings would be extended to the IRT in NYC. Warnings to be suspicious of unattended bags have existed at airports long before 9-11. While I think I can understand your anger towards Islamic extremists, I feel you are unjustified in blaming them for everything, as you seem to be doing.

Prior to 9/11, with the exception of the WTC (which we all remember had been hit by the Terrorist Cult in 1993), I can think of no other office building in NYC that in order to enter you had to show ID, be photographed, or go through a metal detector. It was also legal to photograph bridges while driving or walking on them. There were no random bag searches in the subway. Trucks could go on the lower level of double deck bridges.

Everytime I went to the main judicial building on Centre Street I did. Had to show id and always forgot to leave my pocket knife and scissors (if I had my bag with me) at home so always had to sign them over to the guards. In various places around the country, metal detetors have been standard for some high schools where violence had been a problem. The photographing is new as far as I know, but the metal detectors aren't. As for searching bags, it was inevitable as I said due to it being mass transit which has always been a possible target. Trucks going on the lower level of bridges... since I don't live there any more I wasn't aware of that, but wouldn't that help to alleviate traffic anyways? Don't slam me for that comment because I don't know and I hardly ever drove in the city.
11/18/2005 11:30:17 AM · #107
Originally posted by "GeneralE":

Perhaps if you (and most of the rest of us) had known a bit more about Islam before 9/11/01 we wouldn't be facing these crises now.

Doubt it, as most of those enacting these terrors are rather ignorant themselves. Most people presumed that Islam was in general a peaceful religion. They have, by the acts perpetrated, altered their perceptions.

Originally posted by "pidge":

I know security has been stepped up, but this stuff did not appear all of the sudden as you are implying. It has long been known that mass transit may be subject to an attack by somebody (not just Islamist extremists). It was only a matter of time before warnings would be extended to the IRT in NYC. Warnings to be suspicious of unattended bags have existed at airports long before 9-11.

Yes, and most of that was due to hijackings, most of which were at the hands of Arab Islamic terrorists.

Originally posted by "pidge":

Everytime I went to the main judicial building on Centre Street I did.

Yes, most court houses had metal detectors, etc. This was not to prevent bombings, etc. But rather due to the numerous cases of incidents of violence occurred in courts (usually one of the two following a) friend of criminal attempts rescue by force, b) family member of victim shoots perpetrator in order to enact justice).
11/18/2005 12:00:41 PM · #108
My main point is that we are pretty willing to throw wide nets out in the name of security and are willing that some innocents are caught in the net as long as those innocents are NOT US.

What if some of the 9/11 bombers were photographers? Would we be nearly as excited about dealing with all photographers in order to catch the few who may inflict some serious damage? (we know they are Nikon users anyway...)

This talk just reeks of the philosophy which led to the Japanese Internment Camps and McCarthyism. I hope we can all agree those were black marks on our nation's history. If you don't agree, I have nothing more to say.
11/18/2005 12:08:05 PM · #109
Originally posted by DrAchoo:

Originally posted by photodude:

Let me share what I know about Islam.

This past weekend I went to Washington DC. Every building and monument in the downtown area was lined with Islamic Barriers (thats my term for the highway barriers and large planters)in a futile attempt to keep us safe from car/truck bombs. When I went to park my car in a garage at a museum, it was searched for bombs, and when I went to retreive it, I had to go thru a metal detector to get back into the garage.

Today I was in NY City. We were all warned on the subway to be alert for suspicious things - "if you see something, say something" it goes. Like thats really going to stop determined suicide bombers. To get into office buildings for routine meetings, you have to sign in, be photographed and in some cases go thru metal detectors and put your belongings through xray machines.


That's what I know about Islam.

Here's what I know about Christianity...

Scientific thought used to be taught in our schools without teachers being taken to court.
Women used to be able to exercise their legal rights without fear of being killed by bombs.

I'm taking to point to it's extreme, but those are the result of "extreme Christianity". Are you ready to lay that at the feet of "mainstream" religion? I'm not.

I dunno Im not gunna a let a few nutballs (terrorists) dictate anything I do. Honestly I could care less about religon, to each their own, don't try and push it on me. Do on to others as you would done to you. Personally speaking, if anyone decides its a great idea to run jet airliners into building full of people is in the name of ANYTHING has a screw loose and is a bad apple, I hope they burn in a jet fuel fire in hell. Human nature to be evil always suprises me.
11/18/2005 01:21:24 PM · #110
Originally posted by theSaj:

Originally posted by "pidge":

I know security has been stepped up, but this stuff did not appear all of the sudden as you are implying. It has long been known that mass transit may be subject to an attack by somebody (not just Islamist extremists). It was only a matter of time before warnings would be extended to the IRT in NYC. Warnings to be suspicious of unattended bags have existed at airports long before 9-11.

Yes, and most of that was due to hijackings, most of which were at the hands of Arab Islamic terrorists.

Originally posted by "pidge":

Everytime I went to the main judicial building on Centre Street I did.

Yes, most court houses had metal detectors, etc. This was not to prevent bombings, etc. But rather due to the numerous cases of incidents of violence occurred in courts (usually one of the two following a) friend of criminal attempts rescue by force, b) family member of victim shoots perpetrator in order to enact justice).

While I will not profess to be a scholar on aiport hijackings, were not most hijackings that may have resulted in metal detectors in airport security due to financial extortion and stuff involving Castro and Cuba? Feel free to correct me because I'm not a hundred percent sure.

As for court houses, you are correct. However, as I said, security measures such as metal detectors and ids were also being used in places such as public schools prior to 9-11.

I just have a problem with people who generalize things while venting hostilities. That's all.

MQuinn- glad you got your card back, and glad to know you know about your rights as a photographer now.

Message edited by author 2005-11-18 13:22:56.
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