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DPChallenge Forums >> Rant >> Mother sues hospital over testing failure
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07/24/2009 05:55:54 PM · #1
With the acceptance of abortion, this happens:

Mother sues hospital for £1.5million for missing baby's severe disability

The hospital didn't diagnose her child's illness. She wasn't able to make the decision to kill her baby while in the womb, "...had she know the truth early enough, she would have opted for a pregnancy termination."

She can't kill him now (since he was born and is considered a person), so she's suing the hospital.
07/24/2009 06:33:24 PM · #2
so what are we supposed to be arguing about
07/24/2009 06:47:27 PM · #3
What's your point?
07/24/2009 06:49:41 PM · #4
Originally posted by LadyK:

so what are we supposed to be arguing about

He's anti-abortion.......something that males should have equal say about, right?

07/24/2009 06:53:01 PM · #5
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

Originally posted by LadyK:

so what are we supposed to be arguing about

He's anti-abortion.......something that males should have equal say about, right?


you are the first guy to EVER agree with me on that one. you are getting cooler by the moment Jeb:)
07/24/2009 07:03:42 PM · #6
Originally posted by LadyK:

so what are we supposed to be arguing about

Originally posted by NikonJeb:

He's anti-abortion.......something that males should have equal say about, right?


Originally posted by LadyK:

you are the first guy to EVER agree with me on that one. you are getting cooler by the moment Jeb:)

How does any man have any say about whether or not any woman should risk her body and potentially her life by forcing her to carry a baby to term?
07/24/2009 07:29:57 PM · #7
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

Originally posted by LadyK:

so what are we supposed to be arguing about

Originally posted by NikonJeb:

He's anti-abortion.......something that males should have equal say about, right?


Originally posted by LadyK:

you are the first guy to EVER agree with me on that one. you are getting cooler by the moment Jeb:)

How does any man have any say about whether or not any woman should risk her body and potentially her life by forcing her to carry a baby to term?

see, i dont know why everyone doesnt just get that. its weird. i had to do this mock election thing and one of the guys running was all anti abortion and i threw the fact that he didnt have a vagina, therefore no right to judge what women do considering their lady parts. he got very confused:)
sorry, i had to change that. it sounded nasty

Message edited by author 2009-07-24 19:35:29.
07/24/2009 07:48:51 PM · #8
I'm going to stay out of the debate of abortion but this line is quite peculiar:
Although Rupert is now a very much loved member of his family, his mother sued the hospital's managers - Taunton and Somerset NHS Trust - arguing that, had she know the truth early enough, she would have opted for a pregnancy termination.

So.. we love him very much but we wish we had the chance to terminate him during the pregnancy....ok....Seems a bit of a contradiction to me.
07/24/2009 07:56:30 PM · #9
Originally posted by trevytrev:

I'm going to stay out of the debate of abortion but this line is quite peculiar:
Although Rupert is now a very much loved member of his family, his mother sued the hospital's managers - Taunton and Somerset NHS Trust - arguing that, had she know the truth early enough, she would have opted for a pregnancy termination.

So.. we love him very much but we wish we had the chance to terminate him during the pregnancy....ok....Seems a bit of a contradiction to me.

i hope the kid never sees that:/
07/24/2009 08:29:52 PM · #10
Originally posted by trevytrev:

I'm going to stay out of the debate of abortion but this line is quite peculiar:
Although Rupert is now a very much loved member of his family, his mother sued the hospital's managers - Taunton and Somerset NHS Trust - arguing that, had she know the truth early enough, she would have opted for a pregnancy termination.

So.. we love him very much but we wish we had the chance to terminate him during the pregnancy....ok....Seems a bit of a contradiction to me.

Originally posted by LadyK:

i hope the kid never sees that:/

True that.....
07/25/2009 05:04:07 AM · #11
Originally posted by LadyK:

i threw the fact that he didnt have a vagina, therefore no right to judge what women do considering their lady parts.

And I don't see where having a vagina gives women the right to judge what other women and men do.

07/25/2009 06:12:47 AM · #12
Originally posted by FireBird:

Originally posted by LadyK:

i threw the fact that he didnt have a vagina, therefore no right to judge what women do considering their lady parts.

And I don't see where having a vagina gives women the right to judge what other women and men do.

I don't think the argument holds up if you just attempt to switch it around Firebird. I think the point is more to do with having the right to your own body and, by extension, according that same right to others. This is not about forcing people to have babies its about forcing people not to have abortions which is different. This is why the tern 'Pro-Life' is semantically misleading.
07/25/2009 07:03:54 AM · #13
Haven't tread the article but sounds like a Jodi Picoult book I am reading at the moment Handle With Care
07/25/2009 07:50:27 AM · #14
I think the most disturbing thing about the article posted is the comments on it. Pretty disgusting, i feel, but these sort of stories always brings the nutcases out of the internet woodwork. I don't see why she shouldn't sue really. Pre-natal scans and other checks are there to detect defects and if the mothers family has a medical history that increases the chances of them and the hospital was in error following this up then she should be entitled. It is going to cost a lot to give the boy a good standard of living so i feel she is in the right.
07/25/2009 07:54:37 AM · #15
Originally posted by trevytrev:

I'm going to stay out of the debate of abortion but this line is quite peculiar:
Although Rupert is now a very much loved member of his family, his mother sued the hospital's managers - Taunton and Somerset NHS Trust - arguing that, had she know the truth early enough, she would have opted for a pregnancy termination.

So.. we love him very much but we wish we had the chance to terminate him during the pregnancy....ok....Seems a bit of a contradiction to me.

Doesn't seem like a contradiction to me at all. If you love someone then one of the most painful things must be to watch that person in pain everyday with no chance of recovery and no chance to lead a 'normal' life.
07/25/2009 10:24:29 AM · #16
Originally posted by LadyK:

i threw the fact that he didnt have a vagina, therefore no right to judge what women do considering their lady parts.

Originally posted by FireBird:

And I don't see where having a vagina gives women the right to judge what other women and men do.

That*IS* the point.....nobody has any right to tell a woman whether or not she should or shouldn't terminate her pregnancy.

The fact that men don't carry children gives them less than zero right to do so.
07/25/2009 10:27:39 AM · #17
Originally posted by trevytrev:

I'm going to stay out of the debate of abortion but this line is quite peculiar:
Although Rupert is now a very much loved member of his family, his mother sued the hospital's managers - Taunton and Somerset NHS Trust - arguing that, had she know the truth early enough, she would have opted for a pregnancy termination.

So.. we love him very much but we wish we had the chance to terminate him during the pregnancy....ok....Seems a bit of a contradiction to me.

Originally posted by clive_patric_nolan:

Doesn't seem like a contradiction to me at all. If you love someone then one of the most painful things must be to watch that person in pain everyday with no chance of recovery and no chance to lead a 'normal' life.

Unfortunately, someone, somewhere, sometime, is going to show the kid this article with the malicious intent of having the kid think that his mother would rather not have had him.

Some people are just like that.....

Truth be told, I'm curious as to the OP's motinve in starting the thread.

Has all the earmarks of being inflammatory.....
07/25/2009 11:09:24 AM · #18
Originally posted by clive_patric_nolan:

Doesn't seem like a contradiction to me at all. If you love someone then one of the most painful things must be to watch that person in pain everyday with no chance of recovery and no chance to lead a 'normal' life.

Unfortunately, someone, somewhere, sometime, is going to show the kid this article with the malicious intent of having the kid think that his mother would rather not have had him.

Some people are just like that.....[/quote]

Thats is a sad fact, yes, and would be very upsetting for the child. I do see the mothers point of view though. It is almost impossible to really comment on the case though due to lack of information about it as is always the case with debates spinning off from small web or paper articles. Of course, if you have less than a handful of brain cells, such as the idiots who posted comments on the Daily Mail article, then you can glean enough information from a 400 word article to claim the mother is 'The Face of Evil' or similar such drivel.
07/25/2009 11:11:05 AM · #19
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

Truth be told, I'm curious as to the OP's motinve in starting the thread.

Has all the earmarks of being inflammatory.....

I'd guess so yes. Calling the thread 'Culture of Death' does seem to imply so.
07/25/2009 11:31:20 AM · #20
Originally posted by clive_patric_nolan:

Originally posted by NikonJeb:

Truth be told, I'm curious as to the OP's motinve in starting the thread.

Has all the earmarks of being inflammatory.....

I'd guess so yes. Calling the thread 'Culture of Death' does seem to imply so.

And yet people just keep responding to them, no matter how obviously inflammatory they are, like good little trained monkeys. Eeee eeee oooh! Inflammatory! Ooo oooo EEEEE.. must hit keys!
07/25/2009 11:40:31 AM · #21
Originally posted by K10DGuy:

Originally posted by clive_patric_nolan:

Originally posted by NikonJeb:

Truth be told, I'm curious as to the OP's motinve in starting the thread.

Has all the earmarks of being inflammatory.....

I'd guess so yes. Calling the thread 'Culture of Death' does seem to imply so.

And yet people just keep responding to them, no matter how obviously inflammatory they are, like good little trained monkeys. Eeee eeee oooh! Inflammatory! Ooo oooo EEEEE.. must hit keys!

Well, i don't mind discussing the article here. I find the subject interesting and don't see any reason not to have a bit of a debate. It's in the Rant section where anything goes after all so why not.

I'm proud of my monkey-like trait of enjoying a good ethical and moral debate. Monkeys are, of course, renowned for their love of abortion-based arguments.
07/25/2009 12:05:31 PM · #22
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

Truth be told, I'm curious as to the OP's motive in starting the thread.

Has all the earmarks of being inflammatory.....

Originally posted by clive_patric_nolan:

I'd guess so yes. Calling the thread 'Culture of Death' does seem to imply so.

Originally posted by K10DGuy:

And yet people just keep responding to them, no matter how obviously inflammatory they are, like good little trained monkeys. Eeee eeee oooh! Inflammatory! Ooo oooo EEEEE.. must hit keys!

Just like you did, right?

Only instead of adding anything to the topic, you feel somehow obligated to take your shot at the participants.

Nicely done!
07/25/2009 12:40:16 PM · #23
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

That*IS* the point.....nobody has any right to tell a woman whether or not she should or shouldn't terminate her pregnancy.

The fact that men don't carry children gives them less than zero right to do so.

If only this issue was that simple. The woman's, the child's and the mans's rights are inextricably intertwined. To me it always boils down to where you believe those rights begin. I for one can't put faith in mankind to correctly determine where life begins so I have to error on the side of the child and believe their rights supercede even those of the woman in all but the most extreme circumstances. In this basic debate that there will never be agreement.

Originally posted by clive_patric_nolan:

Doesn't seem like a contradiction to me at all. If you love someone then one of the most painful things must be to watch that person in pain everyday with no chance of recovery and no chance to lead a 'normal' life.

Is a less than a ‘normal’ life worse than no life at all? In some cases maybe, but looking at the picture in the article it looks as though the boy (and mom) have some quality of life. There seems to be some true joy in their expressions.

Regarding the case at hand. If the hospital had missed a life-threatening situation that was not acted upon making the problem worse I would be sympathetic. But in this case they caused no damage, the condition already existed and couldn’t be mitigated. This is just a case of some desperate parent wanting find blame where no blame exists. (IMHO)

07/25/2009 12:50:29 PM · #24
Originally posted by clive_patric_nolan:

Originally posted by K10DGuy:

Originally posted by clive_patric_nolan:

Originally posted by NikonJeb:

Truth be told, I'm curious as to the OP's motinve in starting the thread.

Has all the earmarks of being inflammatory.....

I'd guess so yes. Calling the thread 'Culture of Death' does seem to imply so.

And yet people just keep responding to them, no matter how obviously inflammatory they are, like good little trained monkeys. Eeee eeee oooh! Inflammatory! Ooo oooo EEEEE.. must hit keys!

Well, i don't mind discussing the article here. I find the subject interesting and don't see any reason not to have a bit of a debate. It's in the Rant section where anything goes after all so why not.

I'm proud of my monkey-like trait of enjoying a good ethical and moral debate. Monkeys are, of course, renowned for their love of abortion-based arguments.

Nah, good debates are, well, good. I just find it pointless to POINT OUT that one thinks that the thread they're responding to is possibly only meant to be inflammatory. If you really think that, don't respond to it! lol. ("you" being generic use, not you specifically). Just grabs my goat every time how many people yell and scream about trolls and the like, but seldom just ignore them.
07/25/2009 12:57:16 PM · #25
Originally posted by K10DGuy:

Nah, good debates are, well, good. I just find it pointless to POINT OUT that one thinks that the thread they're responding to is possibly only meant to be inflammatory. If you really think that, don't respond to it! lol. ("you" being generic use, not you specifically). Just grabs my goat every time how many people yell and scream about trolls and the like, but seldom just ignore them.

Well said!
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