Author | Thread |
05/04/2010 11:24:32 AM · #1 |
Grog like new cave. Nice view, shelter from storm. But not perfect for Grog. Satellite reception bad and no cable. Grog on dialup.
Grog find mate. Female good for grog and make many strong offspring, but cooking not good. Female use magic invisible fire box too much. But female make Thag and Kron jealous. Grog keep female and pretend to like cooking.
Grog see drawing of monster on cave wall. Art is good but does not fill belly.
Grog see hunting party return. No blood on spears, no mammoth for tribe. Will have to eat Thag's tree bark casserole again. Grog is kind. Tells Thag cooking is delish.
Grog not afraid of alley mugger, Grog have sharp pointy stick to hurt mugger and protect Grog.
Grog like beer, but Grog's hands too big. Cannot open can. Must get female to open can for Grog.
Now THIS is cave for Grog! Will make Thag very jealous. How much is mortgage on dream cave? Does cave have working plumbing and cable? BTW, Grog cannot spell medeval meadivulmedeevil either.
Grog go to water buffalo lodge in Odawa for party, fancy place for Grog. Invited by Fred Flintstone who always keep up with the Jonesrocks. Fred now in debt up to eyeballs. Grog tell Fred about Dave Ramstone.
Grog say stand back. Grog have sharp pointy stick to kill monster. Grog be famous hero, like Don Quixote. Get picture in paper, have many females to bear Grog's children. Grog is great.
Post-challenge: Grog say Snarfles robbed at spearpoint. Grog see creative use of blur. Send Thag and Kron to kill low voters. Skins of trolls keep female warm in cold time.
Grog see food for tribe. Grog is great hunter, will bring home much meat. Many female will praise Grog the hunter.
Grog afraid of fire god. Very powerful. Grog offer finest female to fire God. Fire god take? Yes! Grog is now great diplomat! Grog run for president now.
Grog say female no follow into battle. Female stay in cave, make spears and children for Grog.
*sigh* Grog have weakness for redhair-bigeyes. Grog say ok. Come with grog. Grog will share glory of battle. But redhair-bigeyes must leave some killing for Grog.
Grog need this power. Grog gives you finest female for magic blade that cuts rock. Female make many strong offspring for you. You take now. Grog will defeat enemies and be even greater than Grog is now!
You mark comment helpful or Grog will send Thag and Kron to attack with sharp pointy sticks. Or maybe not... Grog forget you still have magic blade. Thag and Kron are brave, not stupid.
Grog like this cave! Cold fire things make so Grog can see painting on wall. Painting tells Grog of many battles fought and many enemies slain. Great hunter and fighter lives here.
Grog thought HIS cave was mess with bones of enemies on floor! Grog is only amateur! Grog submit this to reality show, make you big star on magic picture show box.
Haha! Thag call Grog fool for hunting in city. Thag is fool! Grog has found food for tribe. Grog find mammoth to feed tribe during cold time. Tiger have tough meat, but sharp fangs to make weapon. Squirrel-thing has no meat, but will make fun for children of Grog to chase, so can become great hunter like Grog one day!
Grog excited to find food! Was going to kill mammoth in other challenge and feed whole tribe, but mammoth was really drawing on iron monster. Thag will laugh at Grog, but small bird better than nothing.
Calm!? You ask Grog stay calm for flying monster attack!? Grog will attack! Grog see weakness. Will stab soft underbelly with spear. Is good strong spear, made from scales of other monster. Other monster fell to Grog and so will flying one. Grog is great warrior!!!!
Grog kneel to maker-of-fire. Offer skins of slain enemies for firemaking secret. Oh, Grog see McDonalds! Grog not need fire now. Grog thank you anyway.
Grog understand. But Grog not use knife. Grog is great warrior. Eats like great warrior that Grog is. No knife, no butter for Grog. Only bread, so Grog call picture DNMC.
Grog is great commenter, you mark comment helpful or Grog send Thag to make hurt.
Grog like title. Make Grog laugh. Grog is great commenter. You mark comment helpful or Grog send Thag and Kron to "convince".
Grog see 3 magic light boxes. Grog impressed and vote 3. You thank grog for high vote and great comment. You check comment helpful or Grog will be angered.
Grog sees great hunter and warrior to be. This is face to strike fear in heart of opponent. Many enemies will fall before his spear. Boy will be great like Grog one day.
Grog see female and dinner. Life is good for Grog today.
Bah! Magnum is great warrior, but not know about females. Grog is not only great hunter and warrior, but great lover too. Grog is also great teacher, so will teach Magnum. Magnum will thank Grog.
You choose healthy looking female from tribe, big breast, wide hips. You drag her by hair to cave. If female live, then she is strong and will bear many strong offspring. If female die when crossing rocks, then female was not worthy as mate. You go choose other female.
Grog not have time to vote this challenge, (is mating season, as Grog sees Magnum is aware). Grog leave late comment.
Much hair is sign of great hunter and warrior to be, like Grog. You bring offspring to Grog. Offspring sit on lap and Uncle Grog tell tales of many beasts hunted and enemies slain. Child will be proud and strong.
Grog is great commenter too. You mark comment helpful or Grog be angry.
Grog send you birthday card. Cost much for postage. Grog is great birthday rememberer. You thank grog.
Grog is great warrior, but Grog is not stupid. Grog surrender.
Grog want female. Can feed many offspring of Grog. Grog will drag female back to cave. Female will be happy to belong to Grog. (Um, er, is that new mother-in-law in background? Grog must rethink...)
05/04/2010 11:50:26 AM · #2 |
LOL, I think someone has to much time on their hands. Great job Grog. |
05/04/2010 12:01:15 PM · #3 |
I love Grog and appreciate Grog! Thanks Grog! |
05/04/2010 12:24:50 PM · #4 |
05/04/2010 12:32:02 PM · #5 |
Grog!!!! This is great!
And I'm anxiously awaiting more Adventures from Grog!!! |
05/04/2010 02:35:28 PM · #6 |
Grog leave great comments. Grog is good. |
05/04/2010 02:38:25 PM · #7 |
Yes, Grog good. Me like Grog. Me want Grog comment. |
05/04/2010 02:52:14 PM · #8 |
I love your humour and inventiveness. I hope Grog comments on one of mine in the future.
Long live Grog
Message edited by author 2010-05-04 14:52:31. |
05/04/2010 03:16:17 PM · #9 |
Me LOVE Grog. Me want to live in cave with Grog. Give Grog many fine babies. Grog not mind me fluffy female. Grog is good, Make big hot thing to make food and keep warm. Grog is GOOD. Me live with Grog. |
05/04/2010 03:48:36 PM · #10 |
Me like grog, but me not want to lie in cave with Grog. Me a bit scared Cowtownmum might get a BIT CROSS..... |
05/04/2010 04:15:05 PM · #11 |
Originally posted by cowtownmom: Me LOVE Grog. Me want to live in cave with Grog. Give Grog many fine babies. Grog not mind me fluffy female. Grog is good, Make big hot thing to make food and keep warm. Grog is GOOD. Me live with Grog. |
Double GRIN :) |
05/04/2010 04:24:25 PM · #12 |
Me want to party with grog...pick up many nice females....LOL Grog was great.
05/04/2010 04:24:43 PM · #13 |
I feel like I should be getting royalty payments or something ;D
05/04/2010 04:48:58 PM · #14 |
Originally posted by K10DGuy: I feel like I should be getting royalty payments or something ;D |
You never had a recurring character in your comments. But, Grog is a generous sort and he says he will share 15% of the net profits with you. What is 15% of nothing?
05/04/2010 04:59:04 PM · #15 |
Originally posted by K10DGuy: I feel like I should be getting royalty payments or something ;D |
I am sure Grog would be willing to share the flying monster with you?? |
05/04/2010 05:04:15 PM · #16 |
Can I fave a thread? love it. great story! |
05/04/2010 05:05:41 PM · #17 |
Originally posted by Yo_Spiff: Originally posted by K10DGuy: I feel like I should be getting royalty payments or something ;D |
You never had a recurring character in your comments. But, Grog is a generous sort and he says he will share 15% of the net profits with you. What is 15% of nothing? |
Persnickity? ;D
05/04/2010 05:12:55 PM · #18 |
At first I thought you were telling a story but then I realized they were comments you Grog had made. Looking forward to my first comment from Grog. |
05/04/2010 05:40:46 PM · #19 |
Originally posted by SteveJ: Originally posted by K10DGuy: I feel like I should be getting royalty payments or something ;D |
I am sure Grog would be willing to share the flying monster with you?? |
Grrr...flying monster is SNARFLES' flying monster! Only Snarfles allowed to ride, except maybe Magnum if he good. Quig may be allowed to pet flying monster during visit to Chateau Snarfles. |
05/04/2010 07:57:04 PM · #20 |
Originally posted by colorcarnival: Can I fave a thread? love it. great story! |
Glad you like the character. There is no way to fave a thread, but you can flag it as "Watched". The comments are confusing some people, which is also fun. I just wanted to get my Grog comments all in one place. I will add to it every few challenges when I have a few more. |
05/04/2010 07:57:50 PM · #21 |
Originally posted by K10DGuy: Persnickity? ;D |
Yes, you are. |
05/04/2010 08:03:50 PM · #22 |
By the way, this was the inspiration for Grog (even though K10DGuy would like to take the credit) (Link to MP3 file) It's from a comedy group called 3 dead trolls in a baggie. They are hysterical. Their stuff used to be posted openly as MP3's, but they've made them more difficult to listen to online now. I do have the files if anyone wants.
Message edited by author 2010-05-04 20:05:12. |
05/04/2010 08:05:35 PM · #23 |
05/04/2010 08:43:08 PM · #24 |
Originally posted by Yo_Spiff: By the way, this was the inspiration for Grog (even though K10DGuy would like to take the credit) (Link to MP3 file) It's from a comedy group called 3 dead trolls in a baggie. They are hysterical. Their stuff used to be posted openly as MP3's, but they've made them more difficult to listen to online now. I do have the files if anyone wants. |
Hahaha. I wasn't trying to take any credit. Just ribbing you.
I love ANYTHING different and amusing that people do. |
05/04/2010 10:53:49 PM · #25 |
Originally posted by snaffles: Grrr...flying monster is SNARFLES' flying monster! Only Snarfles allowed to ride, except maybe Magnum if he good. Quig may be allowed to pet flying monster during visit to Chateau Snarfles. |
Silly Snarfles forget that Grog kill flying monster during challenge. |
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