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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Environmental Scores are Mental?.......
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 135, (reverse)
05/15/2006 12:22:38 AM · #1
Lets see 'em!
05/15/2006 12:26:49 AM · #2
Votes: 1
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Updated: 05/15/06 12:26 am

Slow going early on.
05/15/2006 12:29:52 AM · #3
I have seen people post this many a times and I always thought (yeah, whatever like I haven't heard that before...) but seriously- can we stop the voting now??? :0P

Votes: 2
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Updated: 05/15/06 12:27 am
05/15/2006 12:33:29 AM · #4
last minute entry...started with a 7 at 2 votes and now..

Votes: 6
Views: 10
Avg Vote: 5.8333
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05/15/2006 12:37:29 AM · #5
Originally posted by idnic:

Lets see 'em!

Hey that's MY line :-P
05/15/2006 12:45:53 AM · #6
Great photos in "environmental." I already have some favs! Good job you guys...some really inspring photos out there.
05/15/2006 12:46:46 AM · #7
Well my model couldn't make it SO tomorrow I shoot my vision as a portfolio shot. WIll I be able to post?
05/15/2006 12:47:03 AM · #8
05/15/2006 12:48:18 AM · #9
Originally posted by Rikki:

Well my model couldn't make it SO tomorrow I shoot my vision as a portfolio shot. WIll I be able to post?

Just post as "check out my model shoot" ;-)
05/15/2006 12:49:05 AM · #10
Some incredible shots there. Well done everyone. Makes me somewhat relieved that I didn't choose to enter this as my first comp... :-)

Busy day tomorrow voting...
05/15/2006 01:02:53 AM · #11
Votes: 6
Views: 11
Avg Vote: 5.6667 - kind of what I expected.

Some great ones. But tons of candids, in my opinion.

Good luck.
05/15/2006 01:06:33 AM · #12
This turnover isn't so bad when you don't have a new entry getting attacked by vicious trolls. :P

Message edited by author 2006-05-15 01:06:59.
05/15/2006 01:11:50 AM · #13
Worst yet, sure its viewed as not meeting challenge. Will probably pull it if I can. It is at 3.1 now, last time I'm looking. Ah well, onwards and upwards.
05/15/2006 01:17:12 AM · #14
Well, where are Cindi and Rose? I'm a bit off on my prediction...
05/15/2006 01:47:50 AM · #15
my hope for a 6.x entry is currently having 8 votes and hovering at 4.x
I guess I should have passed this challenge just like the others before this, sobs T_T
05/15/2006 07:32:14 AM · #16
Votes: 24
Views: 35
Avg Vote: 5.8333
Comments: 3

So far so good but it was a 6 a few votes ago, hope this isn't the start of a trend...

05/15/2006 07:36:22 AM · #17
Votes: 19
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Avg Vote: 3.5789
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Updated: 05/15/06 07:10 am

and you miss one word in the description and can totally ruin a submission...yes everyone that DNMC is most likly mine. I usually read these things like crazy to make sure I have all the details but got side-tracked...oh well can't seem to make it past 6 with my entires anyway, why should this one be different.

Good luck to everyone that DID do what the details said.
05/15/2006 07:43:23 AM · #18
Votes: 21
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Avg Vote: 5.8095
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dropped a tenth of a point in one vote. i hate the first day of voting when it shifts so much. i get myself all worked up about it. id love to break 6 again but dont know if thats going to happen with this one.

Votes: 24
Views: 36
Avg Vote: 5.6667
Comments: 1
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Wish Lists: 0

Message edited by author 2006-05-15 08:06:56.
05/15/2006 07:47:41 AM · #19
Votes: 20
Views: 48
Avg Vote: 5.4000
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Well, I'm a full point higher than my prediction. That makes me happy after my brown. At least I should be more towards the middle this time.

edit: 1 vote can make a difference!

Votes: 21
Views: 49
Avg Vote: 5.5238
Comments: 4
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Wish Lists: 0

Message edited by author 2006-05-15 07:49:12.
05/15/2006 08:04:31 AM · #20
I should have used a different title. I asked DPCers to think a bit...LOL...bad move. Good score still.

Votes: 22
Views: 40
Avg Vote: 6.6818
Comments: 4
Favorites: 1

I haven't gone through the whole lot yet but there's some excellent work from what I've seen so far. Nice job.

Message edited by author 2006-05-15 08:19:20.
05/15/2006 08:26:18 AM · #21
Votes: 21
Views: 38
Avg Vote: 6.5238
Comments: 1

:) .. hopefully will catch up with you Steve with my 22nd vote :)
05/15/2006 08:41:07 AM · #22
Originally posted by idnic:


I agree
05/15/2006 08:58:08 AM · #23
5.54 now. anyone else tanking big time??
05/15/2006 09:04:05 AM · #24
Originally posted by DrAchoo:

Well, where are Cindi and Rose? I'm a bit off on my prediction...

One of the best photographs I've EVER taken and its getting beaten badly by the challenge nazis...... sometimes this place amazes me!
05/15/2006 09:22:44 AM · #25
Originally posted by idnic:

Originally posted by DrAchoo:

Well, where are Cindi and Rose? I'm a bit off on my prediction...

One of the best photographs I've EVER taken and its getting beaten badly by the challenge nazis...... sometimes this place amazes me!

Well, here is Rose's. LOL...

When I got up around 1am this morning, I checked and had a 6.7 after 4 votes. I am assuming it must have started around a 7.0 or so. I just couldn't stay up to see the first vote. It was a 6.4 by vote 22. I suspect it will glide down to a 5.8 or so and then smooooooze itself back up to a 6.3 to 6.4 range by voting's end. A 6.4 is my original prediction, and I still hold on to that.

Votes: 32
Views: 63
Avg Vote: 6.1875
Comments: 4
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0

DrArchoo's score must be off his predicition by a "higher" amount? LOL...

Idnic, I certainly feel your pain. I've SO been there and own all the T-Shirts. I was truly excited to enter this one. So far the comments are fantastic, other than your typical one that simply has to find an opposing side no matter the concept or composition :)

WHOOPS, let me change that. With one more vote, it just went to a 6.1212. HERE WE GO! :)

Message edited by author 2006-05-15 09:28:48.
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