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Portfolio Images
1st PlaceEggregation

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Dichotomy (Advanced Editing V)
Collection: Favorites - Ribbons
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Tamron SP AF 28-75mm f/2.8 XR Di for Canon
Location: Easton, CT
Date: Jul 8, 2007
Aperture: f/7.1
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/160
Galleries: Studio, Food and Drink
Date Uploaded: Jul 8, 2007

Dichotomy is a tough concept to illustrate! The yin yang symbol encompasses the ideas of dark and light, good and evil, etc., but it's a total cliche by now. I wanted to do something different. I tried to think of things you separate, and when I thought of separating eggs it just clicked.

It took me a few tries to make this happen: I cut the white shape (and the hole) out of thick paperboard to make a mold. The board wasn't thick enough, so I pressed white paper tape along the edges. Then I covered the shapes with nonstick cooking spray and held them down on a flat griddle. I poured several egg whites into the mold and turned the griddle on to cook it. Carefully removed the mold using an X-acto knife to help separate the edges and then transferred the white shape to the pan with a spatula. Cooked yolks aren't particularly attractive, so I cooked the bottom just enough to be able to transfer it (I went through several because they kept breaking). Once arranged in the pan, I hit everything with cooking spray to make it shiny, then used a butane lighter to lightly scorch the top of the egg white in spots so it would really look cooked.

I had my tripod on top of the stove pointed straight down, and a single monolight brolly box high overhead at top right. It took a while to get the light into the right position so the shiny outline of the pan would complete the symbol. The irony here is that my cooktop was knocked out by lightning last week and I don't have a new one yet, so I couldn't really cook this egg on the background shown. :-/

Processing: Convert from RAW at two exposure settings to help control darks and lights, dodge & burn, touch up edges slightly with Liquify, clone a few stray specks and lighten the scorch marks (they were too much), Photo filter to tweak a color cast, Levels, HSL and USM.

Place: 1 out of 159
Avg (all users): 7.5246
Avg (commenters): 8.4615
Avg (participants): 7.2917
Avg (non-participants): 7.6757
Views since voting: 283975
Views during voting: 338
Votes: 122
Comments: 84
Favorites: 55 (view)

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06/13/2009 08:59:41 PM
hey, dont know if they gave you credit, but i found your pic here
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08/18/2008 08:26:32 PM
this is really fabulous
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04/19/2008 09:18:59 PM
You're a genius! I want your brain!
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07/24/2007 11:04:05 AM
This is indeed a great shot...
tho if dichotomy was the theme you are only half there... the egg is shown well as two distinct sections, but the yin/yang symbol you have used represents how one thing flows to another, how in darkness there is light and in light, darkness. Very much opposite the idea of dichotomy where nothing can belong simultaneously to both parts, and everything must belong to one part or the other. I suppose you could always claim this dichotomy of definition was your original intent....
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07/23/2007 09:28:34 PM
Ive seen this shot before. This is more well done most definetly, but i only give points for neatness, not originality. I dont know who shot it but heres a link that shows it:


Message edited by author 2007-07-23 22:48:24.
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07/20/2007 12:00:56 AM
I want to clarify something. I think I said I liked the shot but I've seen it before. That's all. Nice portfolio and congratulations on your blue ribbon.
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07/19/2007 11:49:49 PM
Originally posted by Kid:

...I've seen it before in a source book. It is essentially the same shot.

Really? I'd like to see that! So much for originality. :-/
07/19/2007 11:40:21 PM
I like the shot. It is well done and catchy and it seemed like it took a long time to set up, but I've seen it before in a source book. It is essentially the same shot.
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07/19/2007 03:27:03 PM
Another masterpiece. I have since added you to my favorities. Because of your consistently creative concepts with the talent to make them come alive. You have also regularly demonstrated photgraphic and post processing skill.
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07/19/2007 11:41:10 AM
Very creative, and inspiring...well done, congrats!!
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07/18/2007 09:34:35 AM
This is absolutely stunning. Great job and use of your creative genius.
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07/17/2007 10:01:20 PM
Dear god, man... if I could just borrow your brain for a day? another wonderful and creative image! Congrats.
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07/17/2007 05:06:16 AM
Brilliant Congrats on your blue
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07/16/2007 06:56:51 PM
Brilliant. Congratulations.
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07/16/2007 05:28:16 PM
Congrats. You are on quite a roll. Nice pic.
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07/16/2007 04:49:39 PM
Jeez - Another Blue. Can't people see the pan handle is rotated clockwise 1 degree.
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07/16/2007 02:04:06 PM
If one day you wake up and discover that you can no longer access dpc, I swear it wasn't me!

Honestly, though, great idea and execution. You truly amaze me.
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07/16/2007 12:14:56 PM
Oh Shannon ... Please try not to discourage us ALL from entering because your mind and your eye is beyond competition ...

That is an incredible image for the challenge and I am blown away by it.
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07/16/2007 11:39:38 AM
Originally posted by pekesty:

...or one crazy chicken that laid that egg!

The rooster was oriental. A Bangkok, I think...
07/16/2007 11:29:17 AM
That's some mighty fine kitchen utensil work there...or one crazy chicken that laid that egg! Congratulations on winning the blue ribbon!
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07/16/2007 11:26:41 AM
absolutely amazing. kudos to your dedication and patience
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07/16/2007 10:53:59 AM
you are ridiculously amazing

your dedication to your art is fantastic!
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07/16/2007 10:50:18 AM
Shannon, you did it again, now if you keep doing like this, no one else would have chance to win ;););) Congratulations!!!!!
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07/16/2007 10:38:40 AM
very good, Shannon, almost as good as my fried egg shot on fotolia ;-0
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07/16/2007 09:47:09 AM
simply amazing.
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07/16/2007 09:34:07 AM
Congrats on you 14th blue! :P
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07/16/2007 09:30:00 AM
Now let's see you do that again.... hatrick?
congrats mate
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07/16/2007 09:22:34 AM
yea, the "Photographer's Comments" are exciting even more than the photo itself ... simply great. Congratulations !! ... photo rocks also :-)
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07/16/2007 09:03:21 AM
You say the idea "just clicked" -- I wish I'd have such inspiration (and then the patience and the technical skill to back it up)! Anyhow, congratulations... I'm happy to be one of your 10s. :-)
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07/16/2007 06:49:20 AM
I'm so glad this shot was yours... you always take the time to give the explanations and stories behind your creative shots, and they're usually just as interesting as the shots themselves. It's great to read your progression from an idea, through the 'how-to', with the adjustments you needed to make to get that final shot. For instance, while I was voting, I was so impressed with how you could have possibly gotten the yolk and egg separated so neatly, I never made the connection to the lighting which completed the edge of the shape. Great job, and congrats on yet another ribbon! So, how many eggs did you actually go through? :)
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07/16/2007 06:35:57 AM
Congratulations! My original comment was, "How many eggs did it take?" Thanks for answering!
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07/16/2007 05:40:58 AM
congraulations Shannon. such a clean shot.
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07/16/2007 04:39:34 AM
yeah, pretty good. ;-Þ

Congratulations again. I didn't have time to think of anything for Dichotomy, let alone carry it out.
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07/16/2007 04:22:27 AM
Excellent idea. Congratulations on your ribbon. Very nice job.
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07/16/2007 03:34:41 AM
You are amazing Shannon! Kudos and congratulations. This is a great shot!!!
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07/16/2007 02:58:56 AM
As Lesley already said, and I can't think of a better way to express it: you're a pain in the ass, Shannon :)
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07/16/2007 02:28:44 AM
and you can cook! ;)
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07/16/2007 02:23:46 AM
I TOLD you so. Winner! Congratulations on the blue. Shannon, you are my idol.
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07/16/2007 02:12:21 AM
Very cool!!
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07/16/2007 01:38:29 AM
way COOOL! Congrats!
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07/16/2007 01:16:43 AM
congratulations for your endless creativity!!..leave some for the rest of us :-)
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07/16/2007 12:41:22 AM
You are a freakin' creative genius. :-)
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07/16/2007 12:37:21 AM
Originally posted by Tom:


Ditto :)
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07/16/2007 12:37:08 AM
What a simply amazing and excellent shot. I LOVE this and the title is so perfect. Congrats on the blue, you clever man!
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07/16/2007 12:36:42 AM
Congratulations Shannon...thanks for the great explanation about your creative process...another ribbon! Well done mate
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07/16/2007 12:26:39 AM
Totally unique and totally fantastic.....
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07/16/2007 12:12:05 AM
Another masterpiece Shannon. Well done, congrats!
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07/16/2007 12:05:27 AM
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07/16/2007 12:05:20 AM
I like to imagine the looks of consternation on your family's faces as you go through these insane contortions to get your images, Shannon. Me, I just shoot whatever I stumble across :-) I guess that's why you're a superstar...

Excellent, excellent work.
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07/16/2007 12:05:11 AM
Congrats on your win I like this image alot. looks like a pretty tough setup to get right.
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07/16/2007 12:04:31 AM
And people say I have too much time on my hands. Pffft! :) CONGRATS!
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07/16/2007 12:03:53 AM
simply awesome, great shot and idea!!

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/15/2007 05:42:51 PM
Really nice job of getting the yolk out and not breaking it! Symbolism arranged well here.
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07/14/2007 02:09:50 PM
Predict this will finish in top 3. 9
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07/14/2007 12:36:01 AM
pretty freakin cool...you're an eggspert! (sorry couldnt resist) /10
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07/12/2007 10:48:14 PM
classic DPC kitsch, which I usually bomb, but I gotta give you a 6 just for that title.
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07/12/2007 05:54:27 PM
Hahaha thats an ace pic and one of the most original I've seen yet. Beats the hell out of the "sea meets sky" pics. Must have taken a while to get to.

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07/12/2007 01:33:59 PM
very creative..9
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07/11/2007 05:49:49 PM
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07/11/2007 04:38:40 PM
Wonderful. Had me in stitches - and that was before I saw the title! I can only say how highly jealous I am of your wit and creativity.
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07/11/2007 04:26:01 PM
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07/10/2007 05:22:56 PM
The ying and the yang, cool shot.
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07/10/2007 04:59:58 PM
PERFECTION!!! how cute! I LOVE IT!
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07/10/2007 03:48:07 PM
wow...you have some serious artistic ability!
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07/10/2007 03:27:45 PM
So very cool
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07/10/2007 08:06:19 AM
Easy does it. How many eggs did it take? 9
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07/10/2007 07:46:16 AM
eheheh very funny.
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07/10/2007 03:01:25 AM
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HOW AMAZING. What a wonderful take on the cliche!!!! 10.
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07/09/2007 08:37:59 PM
Love the wit. Very nice. Sorry, nothing to add. Good lucke
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07/09/2007 05:57:08 PM
Now that's a clever shot, congrats.
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07/09/2007 02:06:15 PM
Very creative! Don't know HOW in the world you cut the egg that cleanly but BRAVO on the outstanding effort! I really like this one. Nice title too *9*
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07/09/2007 12:14:32 PM
This one is my pick for the blue. Simply amazing!
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07/09/2007 11:32:30 AM
wow, good work... must have been tough to get it right
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07/09/2007 09:04:36 AM
eggcellent! sorry. very clever indeed.
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07/09/2007 08:03:35 AM
great idea.
perhaps a tiny tighter crop?
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07/09/2007 06:48:47 AM
Super cool! Good luck with this one. soooooo, inventive.
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07/09/2007 06:13:11 AM
Oh fantastic!
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07/09/2007 03:15:32 AM
Very creative idea, Beautifully executed too. Lighting is just right and its amazing that you got the egg white cut up to the perfect size. 9
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07/09/2007 03:04:44 AM
Top 5, no doubt - high marks for both the visual impact and the degree of difficulty.
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07/09/2007 02:06:12 AM
This is actually very cool. You've got the yin yang for dichotomy but you've also put humor into the title by using the subject (egg) to form the idea of segregation where you've separated the yolk from the white. There's so much to think about in this one. Way cool. And the technicals are very good as well making this a well rounded (no pun intended) shot for this challenge. 10
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07/09/2007 02:05:22 AM
This can't have been easy, well done :)
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07/09/2007 12:27:58 AM
nice lighting, creative shot
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07/09/2007 12:13:18 AM
When this challenge was first announced, I figured there would a lot of yin yang type pictures, but this one is very creative/uniquely done. Thanks for the pleasant surprise :)
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07/09/2007 12:07:52 AM
This looks like a winner to me. Excellent, creative yin/yang shot.
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