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Single Mom Evicted From Condemned Home (Sad But True Story)
Single Mom Evicted From Condemned Home (Sad But True Story)

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Newspaper (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Nikon D70
Location: Ontario canada
Date: Jun 22, 2004
Aperture: f/9
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/400
Date Uploaded: Jun 22, 2004


Place: 33 out of 232
Avg (all users): 5.9051
Avg (commenters): 6.6667
Avg (participants): 5.5673
Avg (non-participants): 6.1118
Views since voting: 3234
Views during voting: 380
Votes: 274
Comments: 16
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/29/2004 12:17:49 AM
Could have been tighter on mother & child
06/28/2004 09:28:04 PM
This breaks my heart 10
06/28/2004 07:35:34 PM
touching photo. might have been nicer to have a close up of the kids face, he looks so sad. 9
06/28/2004 07:06:18 PM
Please, please don't hurt your work by adding a parenthetical comment in the title! You have a decent image here, good contrast, lovely capture of emotion and environment. The wide angle seems to have skewed the horizon line, perhaps you could crop and adjust to keep the verticals upright....
06/27/2004 06:44:56 PM
sad story. i'd have cropped out the left 'noise'
06/26/2004 10:05:44 PM
how can we help?
06/24/2004 03:05:35 PM
Excellent job capturing the essence of the story.
06/23/2004 10:29:51 PM
Almost makes me want to cry with her...been there done that... I understand her situation.
06/23/2004 09:36:02 PM
The photo itself is very striking, but the caption detracts from it. It's a newspaper heading, so "Sad But True Story" is redundant; if it weren't true. Why would it be in a newspaper?

Regardless, the photo did grab me. Especially the child. Great work!
06/23/2004 09:10:29 PM
Nice house! I can't believe it can be condemed though. It looks a lot like the house I used to live in.
06/23/2004 06:56:25 PM
This goes in order of what I notice first:
1) Sounds like a human interest story...where's the human? Oh yeah...there. Crop to the mother and child, let me see the expressions on their faces, I don't care what the home looks like, I care about the people.
2) I like how the little boy is looking at the camera, but...I can't really tell what his face says, if it were cropped to him and his mother, then it'd be a powerful photo.
3) Too much clutter. Is it supposed to represent that they were kicked out? Doesn't work...The basketball hoop especially is distracting.
Score: 5
06/23/2004 09:24:10 AM
Oh God - this photo makes me want to cry!
06/23/2004 08:13:03 AM
Maybe if there was a bit more focus on the mother and son then it would've been a better photo.
06/23/2004 05:32:19 AM
beautiful emotions. I think I would have cropped the left a bit more. But apart from that it's a very powerfull image
06/23/2004 02:36:41 AM
Pretty good photo. A zoom in on the emotions displayed would've been much more effective I think. A story like this tugs at the heart, and your photo is cropped to show the possessions being saved which detracts from the emotion being displayed. That's how I see a photo like this for a newspaper shot. I hope they find a new home soon. Poor little kid.
06/23/2004 02:22:43 AM
ahh the injustices of urban america. the little boy looks so oblivious to his mothers depression.... a great image that really conveys something deeper than most of the photos ive looked at in this challenge. a photo that makes you feel is the best kind of all.

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