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Light of the Spirit
Light of the Spirit

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study II (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-F707
Location: Hickory, NC
Date: Dec 7, 2002
Aperture: F5.6
ISO: 100
Shutter: 5"
Galleries: Portraiture, Architecture
Date Uploaded: Dec 8, 2002

Taken inside my church while the power was still out from the ice storms on Wednesday... This is a self portrait... I intentionally blew out the light coming from the main window. I wanted that impact for this particular photo... it was intentional and not a mistake...

Place: 10 out of 67
Avg (all users): 6.7391
Avg (commenters): 7.1613
Avg (participants): 6.6984
Avg (non-participants): 6.8276
Views since voting: 15561
Votes: 92
Comments: 35
Favorites: 3 (view)

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12/21/2002 09:40:04 PM
Free Study 10
Critique Club Critique
(1) COMPOSITION (CONTENT) - I like overall content here, high ceilings and empty space meeting the emptiness of the church ( excluding you). I also like where you placed yourself – on the right side of center, and with a dark shirt. The top of your head is still below the wood in the background; it would detract if it were higher.
(2) BACKGROUND – The clean white walls and ceiling work well with the bright window. I'd like to see a few darker shadows.
(3) CAMERA WORK ,TECHNICAL – Well done. Excellent DOF. My eye is certainly drawn to the highly exposed window. I assume that a slightly less exposure time did not produce the high brightness you wanted; for instance, did a 4 sec exposure still give the eye catching brightness? I would guess it would have also intensified the shadows a little more which I might have liked better. Probably a tough trade off.
(4) DIGITAL PROCESSING ,TECHNICAL – Good change to B&W. It works well here with the dark wood, the geometries of the arches and windows, and with the emphasis on the light from the window.
(5) MY OPINION ON THE PHOTO – I like it. Eye catching and thought provoking. Is the intense light only in the eyes of the one in church?

Jim msp
 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/15/2002 09:30:31 PM
This is a great shot. I like the lines, curves and angles. The blown out lighting brings a lot of interest to the shot for me. The humble body language of the man in prayer and the divine lighting entering the window bring an unusual balance to the shot. (From a technical perspective, I would NOT say this is lacking in any way, but the window may cause you some grief with the voters). This is one of my favorite shots in the members’ challenge this week. Congratulations – and good luck with the other voters. _ Gotcha - 9
12/15/2002 09:44:39 AM
I feel that this picture would have been sooo much better if the window in the background was not blown out. It seems to be an important part of the picture but has no detail.
12/14/2002 08:36:35 AM
That's a beautiful structure and I like the perspective from which this was taken. The light through the large window seems a little blow out to me.
12/14/2002 12:28:07 AM
Very atractive angle. Good subject. Excellent image. Only detail is the flare on the window, which is hard to avoid, I know. Good, strong work.
12/12/2002 02:17:09 PM
Well taken photo. Sepia seems well used in this case. The glare in the stained glass - I don't know, it might be a good thing, but I just don't care for glare.
7 Swash
12/12/2002 01:43:31 PM
Nice hair cut ;)
I like the lovely big archway and the mood of this shot. Works well in BW.
Exposure feels off - too dark at very top and too blown out around stained glass window and roof of that area. I don't know that this would be easy to fix!!! It's a sure candidate for a PhotoShop job!
Like the way the arches at the right reflect the arch shape - nice light and shadow. Also like the sheen of the wooden pews and the positioning of the bloke.
Not what I'd call a postcard shot but interesting.
12/12/2002 10:28:19 AM
Beautiful!! There isn't a thing I don't like about this photo. I absolutely love the intensity of the light coming through that window. The composition is stunning, the tones are deep and rich. A 10 from me!
12/12/2002 10:28:04 AM
Excellent. Nice and contrasty. Good theme. Moving in many ways. Even the blown-out window contributes. 9
12/12/2002 04:01:33 AM
Good choice of B&W. The man definately makes the shot.
12/11/2002 11:55:01 AM
The light of the Lord. Looks like a place of solace for this guy in his time of need. I'd have left a little more of the color in to make it a little warmer, but this is really a nice image. Very peaceful. - Inspzil
12/11/2002 08:57:51 AM
Great shot! The angle is perfect, the use of b&w is spot on, and the overexposure of the window works well.
12/11/2002 05:04:55 AM
Great capture. I like this shot. Very emotive type shot. I like the bright light in the window.
12/11/2002 01:38:52 AM
Nice shot but the blown out window is a major distraction for me. DPz
12/11/2002 12:51:35 AM
You did a very good job with a tough lighting situation. There is no way to do this without the front window being too hot. Your foreground lighting and details are very good. I also like the black and white format. Smellyfish1002 (JD Anderson)
12/10/2002 11:16:11 PM
Did you do this in color? I would love to see that? This is a fantastic photo. I just and not into B&W, but that's all my son wants to do.
12/10/2002 10:14:22 PM
Nice subject matter. My only negatives would be that the window is a little washed out which makes it a bit distracting to the rest of the photo. It took me a second to find focus on the man praying. Beautiful church.
12/10/2002 09:55:01 PM
This picture is very nice. I love your composition, and while I don't care for the blown out window, I understand why you decided to do it. Great use of natural lighting in doors! Very calming and nice photo. - 9
12/10/2002 09:23:33 PM
The picture is so enriched with your model! I really like the vastness of the space, with your subject seeming so small in contrast.
12/10/2002 08:35:39 PM
Moving photo. I wonder if some people will ding you for the overexposed window. I won't, cause I love it! Great decisions on the composition.
12/10/2002 04:49:42 PM
This shot is pretty high impact for me. I love the coloring that you chose, and love the repetition of the arches, and the lines of the ceiling beams and the pews. I did not notice until I looked at it for the third time, that there was a person in the shot!! I would have loved to have seen this in color. 9. lhall
12/10/2002 02:04:07 PM
Tis is a very powerful photograph. First from a composition point of view, you were off center when you took it and the praying man is also off center. That makes for a very interesting "triangle" between the man and the center of the arch. I think the best part of this photograph is the way the light is pouring through the windows over the alter, almost as if the presence of a spirit is filling the church. I am guessing that is the meaning of the title. Very well done.
12/10/2002 01:11:20 PM
Great composition and perfect in b&w with this sepia tone.Perfect focus. Perhaps I had made it a little bit darker to see more of the window. But I´m not sure, maybe the man than would be too dark. Overall a great job. (8)
12/10/2002 12:50:12 PM
Wonderful composition, with just perfectly overexposed window. The man in the lower right conner, is not noticable at first and then queitly appears; this is what makes this picture great, to me. Great job!
12/10/2002 11:43:41 AM
Nice, beautiful, soft picture. It tells a story. Good job.
12/09/2002 11:22:01 PM
Very nice. I really like the colors here. The front window loses some detail because of the intense light but overall I think this is a great shot. =8
12/09/2002 10:29:25 PM
too bad we can't spot edit so you could dodge the windows in the back, nice shot and composition.
12/09/2002 09:58:44 PM
Great picture. Slight bit of grainyness picked up in the white at the top of the arch. Other than that, which is far from terrible, the picture is wonderful. Great composition, and I like what you did with the given lighting.
12/09/2002 08:22:31 PM
very effective use of b&w. i really like the angle and perspective here. One little thing is the window is slightly blown out.
12/09/2002 04:30:20 PM
Nice shot....I wish the man would of been a little lighter. Good focus, composition.
12/09/2002 02:54:47 PM
Nicely done...well framed and great focus. The blast of light from the altar window is a bit much, but otherwise a very well-captured moment.
12/09/2002 02:50:55 PM
Lovely architecture. I wonder if this would benefit from a couple steps to the right. More of a head on to the archway. I like the person in the photo, and while I'm not a huge fan of exaggerated lights or shadows, the light coming from the window is nice in this situation. Focus and clarity in this shot are great. The detail we get to see is perfect. Good luck in the challenge.
12/09/2002 11:00:12 AM
Too much overexposure on the window...but maybe, it is the Holy Spirit shining for the faithful. Nice shot.
12/09/2002 08:20:27 AM
This is such a emotional and moving photo. I really like the angle and tone. = 10 Shiiizzzam
12/09/2002 01:26:34 AM
LIke the repeating shapes.

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