In the Style of Andreas Gursky
A Member Challenge using the Advanced Editing VII rules.
Make a photo in the style of contemporary photographer Andreas Gursky. His work can be characterized as possessed of clarity, straightforward high resolution detail,and often an elevated vantage point. In a 2001 retrospective, New York's Museum of Modern Art described the artist's work, "a sophisticated art of unembellished observation."
Originally 15th place with an average vote of 5.9853
Views:267 (168 during voting) Votes:68
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Disqualification Message: Niall, as we discussed we gotta DQ now :-( Here's the boilerplate:
You must retain your original, unedited file (exactly as recorded by your camera), and provide it to the Site Council along with a list of your editing steps within 48 hours of any validation request. Files that have been saved or altered with any editing or transfer software are NOT originals.