DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
Challenge Details
An Exclusive Open Challenge using the Basic Editing rules.

Photograph something that represents, looks, or characterizes the concept "bad". NO FOOD ALLOWED. As usual, use creativity, composition, lighting and forethought to create a great BAD image.

Extra Rules
Photographs showing anything normally considered edible by humans as shown will result in a DQ.

Submission Dates:
  Jan 31 2007 - Feb 6 2007

Voting Dates:
  Feb 7 2007 - Feb 13 2007

Submissions: 217
Disqualifications: 4
Votes: 37,423
Comments: 1,139

Average Score: 5.30046
Highest Score: 6.8396
Median Score: 5.29915
Lowest Score: 3.5749

Results for Bad:
Result Page: ...
Challenge Results for Bad
Something Lost in Translation
by raish

211th place with an
average vote of 3.6667

Views: 1375 (342 during voting)
Votes: 162
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 3.396
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 3.781
by tripa

212th place with an
average vote of 3.6452

Views: 970 (334 during voting)
Votes: 186
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 3.339
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 3.777
by Holden

213th place with an
average vote of 3.5749

Views: 1179 (326 during voting)
Votes: 167
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 3.577
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 3.574
Disqualified Images
by kombizz

Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Disqualification Message:
Your submission must be taken after the challenge is announced and before the deadline, based on the Current Server Time (US Eastern Standard Time) displayed at the bottom of every page on this site. You must ensure that your camera date and time are correctly set to your local time zone before shooting your entry. If the date recorded in your original image file is not within the specified challenge dates, your entry will be disqualified -- NO exceptions!
Another bad dream
by Oded

Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Disqualification Message:
"Photographs showing anything normally considered edible by humans as shown will result in a DQ."
Bad Look
by mathixphoto

Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Disqualification Message:
You may not add text to your entry or its border during editing. This includes copyright statements.
Lady Vengeance
by TOY

Originally 1st place with an
average vote of 7.2979

Views: 6755 (555 during voting)
Votes: 188
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Disqualification Message:
You may use a cloning tool or small healing brush for the sole purpose of removing sensor dust or hot pixels. No other spot-editing is allowed.
Result Page: ...

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