DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
Challenge Details
Shallow DOF IV
An Exclusive Open Challenge using the Basic Editing rules.

Shallow depth of field is often used to isolate a subject from its surrounding environment or to make it stand out. Find a creative use of a shallow depth of field for this week's challenge.

Submission Dates:
  Sep 3 2008 - Sep 9 2008

Voting Dates:
  Sep 10 2008 - Sep 16 2008

Submissions: 324
Disqualifications: 6
Votes: 58,571
Comments: 2,207

Average Score: 5.38538
Highest Score: 7.3131
Median Score: 5.4407
Lowest Score: 2.6897

Results for Shallow DOF IV:
Result Page: ...
Challenge Results for Shallow DOF IV
Disqualified Images
Green Cat
by denlinkbarmann

Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Disqualification Message:
You must retain your original, unedited file (exactly as recorded by your camera), and provide it to the Site Council along with a list of your editing steps within 48 hours of any validation request. Files that have been saved or altered with any editing or transfer software are NOT originals.
Red Sunset
by marcellieb

Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Disqualification Message:
You must retain your original, unedited file (exactly as recorded by your camera), and provide it to the Site Council along with a list of your editing steps within 48 hours of any validation request. Files that have been saved or altered with any editing or transfer software are NOT originals.
my collection
by mshafeeqm

Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Disqualification Message:
Your submission must be taken after the challenge is announced and before the deadline, based on the Current Server Time (US Eastern Standard Time) displayed at the bottom of every page on this site. You must ensure that your camera date and time are correctly set to your local time zone before shooting your entry. If the date recorded in your original image file is not within the specified challenge dates, your entry will be disqualified -- NO exceptions!
by crimsontearseureka

Originally 274th place with an
average vote of 4.6816

Views: 356 (270 during voting)
Votes: 179
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Disqualification Message:
You must retain your original, unedited file (exactly as recorded by your camera), and provide it to the Site Council along with a list of your editing steps within 48 hours of any validation request. Files that have been saved or altered with any editing or transfer software are NOT originals.
Result Page: ...

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