Another Cold Dayby
xchasedgexComment by sfalice: GREETINGS FROM THE CRITIQUE CLUB
Hello, and welcome to DPC. Your first entry and it did quite well in the scoring. That's a good greeting from your voting public.
The Critique Club is made up of DPCers who volunteer to look at images and try to suggest ways they could be made better, or just to give a little more support to those who enter. we don't always get to all the people who request this service, but this week we are getting most.
Okay, with that explanation, to work: Sure, you met the Challenge perfectly. This tractor could not have been any Colder! Still, I have a couple of suggestions for this fine image. First, the left side of your image isn't doing much for you. There's a red lump over there and some blank snow. IF (and it's always an 'if' because you were there and I wasn't) you could have moved your camera to the right just a bit, you might have picked up the other end of the center of attraction, the tractor, and eliminated the blank space.
Then, while the colors in this are fine, they could be punched up just a little for even more emphasis on the red/yellow combination against the white snow. And btw, I like the power pole in the background. It adds authenticity to the working nature of this machinery.
Good work. especially for a first entry. I look forward to seeing more of your images and I hope this little critique is helpful to you.