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Registered Userstina

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Comments Received by stina
Showing 1 - 10 of ~28
Image Comment
Left in the North
05/10/2004 10:03:37 PM
Left in the North
by stina

Comment by whagerbaumer:
This is a very beautiful image. I am sorry you made it less than half what you could have submitted.

A 6.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Left in the North
05/10/2004 04:30:57 PM
Left in the North
by stina

Comment by sailracer_98:
This looks like it could be a fantastic picture, but I can't really tell because it is so small!
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Left in the North
05/09/2004 03:38:43 PM
Left in the North
by stina

Comment by skime:
too small
Photographer found comment helpful.
Left in the North
05/08/2004 06:27:43 PM
Left in the North
by stina

Comment by frogs:
I'm sure everyone saying same - too small to judge properly. Real shame, looks like a really great shot
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Left in the North
05/08/2004 03:17:15 PM
Left in the North
by stina

Comment by orussell:
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background 5
Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing 5
Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc. 7
How well does it meet the challenge: 7
Total Averaged Rating(Rounded) 6
I really like your subject matter. It would have been better larger, with the horizon levelled, and with a little more contrast. Maybe shot on a clearer day later/earlier in the day.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Left in the North
05/08/2004 07:41:17 AM
Left in the North
by stina

Comment by reevey:
argh why isn't it bigger! looks fantastic but it's too small!
Photographer found comment helpful.
Left in the North
05/08/2004 03:12:40 AM
Left in the North
by stina

Comment by ambaker:
Interesting photo, shame you didn't go larger on size to make it easier to see/judge. But you've probably heard plenty of this by now. Overall an interesting photo. The wooden structure in the left foreground is a little distracting. Good contrast. 6
Photographer found comment helpful.
Left in the North
05/08/2004 01:15:46 AM
Left in the North
by stina

Comment by ccasey:
Too small--I had the same problem with two of my photos. You have to learn to compress but maintain size. Good luck! Great photo, but hard to appreciate it.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Left in the North
05/07/2004 01:49:47 PM
Left in the North
by stina

Comment by bpickard:
The makings of a great photo, objects in foreground detract...too small!!!
Photographer found comment helpful.
Left in the North
05/07/2004 12:34:33 PM
Left in the North
by stina

Comment by beckettboots:
What an amazing subject for this challenge. I'd rotate to straighten our your horizon and of course make it bigger so we can appreciate it more!
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~28

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