Study Hardby
bassemComment by Neuferland: Greetings from the Critique Club!
And welcome to DPC! Your first challenge entry and it did just fine!
I loved this shot during the challenge, reminds me of my girls when they are really involved in their homework. The biggest thing that jumps out at me with this shot is the lack of a focal point. A depth of Field (DOF) would have really worked well with this shot. Having his face is sharp focus with the rest slightly blurred would really have helped bring the study message home. The black and white on this is a good choice, I'm really starting to appreciate the black and white shots. Though it does seem a bit dark overall. A tad more brightness and contrast would also make this shot pop for me. I see how dark the overall shot is and I want to turn on a light for him, LOL!
The overall composition of the shot is well done. The cropping, while a bit tight works with this shot, in fact I would have cropped just a bit tighter on the left, about 1/2" left of the pencil so you have the pencil in the shot but not so much of the shoulder leading in.
Hope all this helps and if you do any changes on this shot I would love to see them!
Good Luck In Future Challenges!
Deannda if you have any questions or want to discuss this further!