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Registered UserJamie2772

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Comments Received by Jamie2772
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Image Comment
05/31/2006 12:11:33 PM
by Jamie2772

Comment by ShutterPug:
rather than use shallow DOF on this, I think sharp focus throughout would make it stronger. The black of the image itself looks dusty - you truly had me thinking it was my monitor. A quick dusting of the monitor revealed that is was indeed on your photo. Under advanced editing, there are so many things you can do to correct this.
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Furby's gonna get ya!!!!
04/07/2006 01:56:59 PM
Furby's gonna get ya!!!!
by Jamie2772

Comment by GrayGhost:
Nice idea as eyes are good subjects. Sharper focus and not-so-central composition would be better.
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NO Peeking ( Mom It's not time yet!!! )
12/12/2005 12:06:52 PM
NO Peeking ( Mom It's not time yet!!! )
by Jamie2772

Comment by melismatica:
A beautiful llittle girl. It doesn't really capture the mood of 'too early' for me, because I can see she really isn't backstage (the kitchen tiles give it away). This is very severe cropping that doesn't do anything to enahance the composition. Some basic advice, compose your image carefully either in the viewfinder or on the LCD monitor before you take the shot and you can avoid this sort of weird post-editing crop (it takes a bit of practice with seeing how the camera sees,i.e., it sees everything that your mind's eye is able to ignore). Also, when photographing children (and pets), as a rule, you should compose the image from the child's point of view (which usually means squatting or even laying on the floor). There are expections to this rule, of course, but you should try not to make them too often. Lastly, flash really hurts this shot. Her dress as way too much glare and her eyes look washed out. The shiny dress and the bright blue patterned floor have become the main focus and that's a shame because she is such a beautiful little girl. She has such gorgeous coloring there is great potential for some beautiful portraits. It is worth buying a good book about photographing children. My suggestions for starters is use window light as available light to avoid using flash. Also, take some photos outside, in a shady spot if the lighting is harsh and full of contrasty shadows (have the sun behind your subject so she isn't squinting and then make sure you up your exupposure compesation
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NO Peeking ( Mom It's not time yet!!! )
12/10/2005 10:09:17 PM
NO Peeking ( Mom It's not time yet!!! )
by Jamie2772

Comment by macrothing:
4 - One of the few who 'Met the Challenge' (my interpretation at least) quite well, it was not easy. Criticism; difficult, especially given the nature of the Challenge, but this still looks 'too snapshottish' in my opinion. The flooring clashes with the dress/outfit color, etc. Maybe a different crop may have made this better (especially at the top), not sure. Difficult to correct in basic editing, but seems some slight 'red eye' too, but could just be reflection, hard to discern at this size.
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NO Peeking ( Mom It's not time yet!!! )
12/07/2005 03:03:07 PM
NO Peeking ( Mom It's not time yet!!! )
by Jamie2772

Comment by patrinus:
cute little girl :) Light is too flat, perhaps if you lost the flash and used some light coming from the side it would look better.
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blowing bubbles
09/26/2005 11:23:32 PM
blowing bubbles
by Jamie2772

Comment by Sherri1209:
Great angle and colors. A bit more focus on the bubbles might have been better, but everything else is spot on for me. Love it
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blowing bubbles
09/21/2005 07:02:13 AM
blowing bubbles
by Jamie2772

Comment by whiteroom:
how cute are those colours, the compliment ea other!
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tiny dancer
09/06/2005 02:03:06 AM
tiny dancer
by Jamie2772

Comment by pixieland:
This is sweet. is it customary to leave a tag on the shoe, because it is distracting.
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lone lamb
07/24/2005 12:41:41 PM
lone lamb
by Jamie2772

Comment by savannahjames:
Cute idea... I wish the table/desk didn't drop off at the top of the shot, though. Cute lamb!
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lone lamb
07/22/2005 05:51:19 PM
lone lamb
by Jamie2772

Comment by arngrimur:
Good lighting and viewpoint. Could use a better background.
Photographer found comment helpful.
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