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Registered UserDeepDive

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Comments Received by DeepDive
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Filtered light from above
06/08/2004 01:49:04 PM
Filtered light from above
by DeepDive

Comment by Falc:

Hi, well what can I say, the random allocation of photos for critique gave me a diving photo. I'm a PADI Advanced Open Water diver based in the UK so this is right up my street (as we say in Yorkshire).

OK the image: Its a classic diving shot using a silhouetted diver against the overhead sunlight. You have managed to get a very clear outline, nicely sharpe and well defined. The clean lines and style of shot prevent any other compositional elements, but it doesn't really need anything else. My only critisism would be that it does not really convey the feeling of a 35m dive, but I can only say that because I am a diver.

I find the pose intriguing, I would prefer to see some evidence of action, that may not be the case for a non-divier audience.

How might it be improved? - well these are just suggestions, because I find the image very pleasing as it ism but here goes:

A second diver silhouetted higher up, say 20m, mirroring the lower diver would give a sense of depth, a column of bubbles might also add something - just ideas.

Hope that helps.
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Filtered light from above
06/01/2004 12:16:33 AM
Filtered light from above
by DeepDive

Comment by melismatica:
Excellent simple composition. I like how the light coming from above throws the diver in sillhouette but still captures the glow of the air bubbles which have an interesting effect of anchoring him in his environment.
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Filtered light from above
05/28/2004 02:29:11 PM
Filtered light from above
by DeepDive

Comment by skonves:
Cool angle, one light source. I do like it though!
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Filtered light from above
05/28/2004 01:56:39 AM
Filtered light from above
by DeepDive

Comment by Mick:
Very nice! A spotlight in the diver's face would have made it fit the challenge a little better though. But, I like it the way it is too. A 9 from me.
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Filtered light from above
05/26/2004 02:59:05 PM
Filtered light from above
by DeepDive

Comment by shadowangel:
All is needing is the use of a flash unit. I feel the need for nitrogen-narcosis!!!
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Filtered light from above
05/26/2004 12:41:42 PM
Filtered light from above
by DeepDive

Comment by sspin:
Brilliant Shot !!!! Although the first impression might be that there is only one light source, i think that the sea balances out the sun light intensity nicely across the whole image. Moreover the seabed reflects back light onto your subject, hence the multiple light sources.
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Filtered light from above
05/26/2004 08:48:52 AM
Filtered light from above
by DeepDive

Comment by kevrobertson:
Nice shot.
there seems to be only one source of light.
Good job though.
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Filtered light from above
05/26/2004 06:21:00 AM
Filtered light from above
by DeepDive

Comment by e301:
I don't know - perhaps there's some thinking that I'm missing, but I can't see this fitting the challenge here. Top shot, however. Love the pose, the bubbles. 4
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Filtered light from above
05/26/2004 04:16:29 AM
Filtered light from above
by DeepDive

Comment by KiwiChris:
I'm sure there's only one light source here, but it's a neat photo....
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Filtered light from above
05/26/2004 12:58:33 AM
Filtered light from above
by DeepDive

Comment by aaronb532:
multiple light sources means more then one. I don't think this qualifies. If it does, it's not obvious enough. 4
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~10

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