Blooming thistleby
nagymelisComment by CEJ: Hello from the Critique Club!
I have studied your image and have the following to offer:
Composition/perspective - your distance from your subject and the balance between subject and negative space is good. It may have been nicer to have the background a single color, but it is not really a distraction as it is. The subject leaves the frame on both sides and bottom which is good - one side would have weighted the image to appear unbalanced, two sides would have appeared sloppy. You are close enough that this works since the bulk and meat of the subject you were going for are large. That said, the center of the subject is too centered left to right I think as well as a bit too much top to bottom. Although there is negative space above the image, the main 'sunburst' of your subject is almost exactly dead center.
Lighting - obviously natural or at least appears as all natural. It also appears as though it is the cusp of evening and the sun is creating a shadow on the lower part of your background. Nice choice and good timing. A little earlier and it would have been too bright and later too dark. A photographers nightmare.
Color - this image has a very rich palette of strong colors and tones that really hold their own in the combination. The rich autumn tones of the hillside in the background are a nice contrast to the soft powder blue of the sky above. The tans and faded greens in the subject are a nice contrast to both halves of your background.
Challenge requirements - I look at the center of your subject and I am reminded of soft fur and warmth - petting my dog(s) or past cats. Sound funny? You have captured the delicate element quite well. I think your single biggest detractor is the focus. You may try being a little farther away from your subject, zooming for some of the distance, then cropping to pull your subject to the front. This way you may be able to achieve a better focus and still appear extremely close.
Overall/my opinion - you have a good eye for the shot. So many people would walk right on past a scene/image like this just because they 'can't be bothered.' It shows a creative side and an interest in getting the image the way you see it. If your focus was better I really think this would be a much stronger image.