can u tie my shoelace?by
JumanaComment by kirsty_mcn: *critique club*
The eye is led to the corner, through the laces, which I think works well compositionally, but this has also caused the out of focus blown highlights in the laces.
Technical stuff (exposure, dof, lighting etcâ€Â¦)
Could do with a greater depth of field; the lack of focus in the shoelaces is distracting. The doll's face has been lit very well, but the foreground is overexposed - maybe flash or just being in higher sunlight. Average exposure seems ok.
Message/atmosphere portrayed
Personally, I don't 'get it'...doesn't really say anything to me. Just seems a bit random.
Meeting the challenge
Meets the challenge fine, but could be more creative (check out
scalvert's profile for inspiration to take the challenge titles further).
My personal opinion
I do feel it was slightly underrated, but like I said, I personally don't 'get it' so wouldn't rate it that high either. Please tell me if I'm missing something. Maybe people just couldn't make a connection with it emotionally. The top half looks very good, but the OOF foreground immediately brings the scores down. There's definitely potential, please don't be put off and keep submitting. Oh, and maybe I'm pedantic/overly critical but the informalness of the title makes it look like less thought's gone into the photo.
Hope you find this helpful, feel free to PM me if you have any questions
Kirsty :)
PS Just for the record, although ISO is technically a characteristic of film, your photos will have an "ISO rating" which is what is meant in the image details. Its the digital equivalent of film sensitivity - high ISO doesn't need such long shutter speeds, but grain is increased and vice versa.
If you ever want to find out values for shutter speed, aperture, ISO etc retrospectively (for one thing it helps us critiquers), check out the FAQ
here. I personally use Picture Information Extractor, free for 30 uses I think.