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Comments Made by nGallahan
Showing 21 - 30 of ~30
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The Sun Sets in 1000 windows
05/21/2011 10:26:04 AM
The Sun Sets in 1000 windows
by mariuca

Oh wow. What an interesting shot! Give me a bit of a good headache. I would be interested to see the shot cropped a bit tigher to remove the building in the lower left and trees in teh lower right to enhance the patterness of the buildings. Definately a cool photo!
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hot wheels
05/21/2011 10:21:51 AM
hot wheels
by posthumous

I like the idea here. Straight profile shots are hard to pull off though. Plus, the cantered horizon doesn't add anything for me. Perhaps if you went lower, and took the shot from about the drivers 10 o'clock, just to get a bit of the front end, it would have added a bit more life to the shot.
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Crystal Clear
05/21/2011 10:15:02 AM
Crystal Clear
by Len Scap

My god look at those colors! The rock in the lower right is a bit distracting. Then again, the photo may have been a bit "to balanced" if it weren't there. Great photo!
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05/21/2011 10:13:38 AM
by gyaban

Wow! Wish we had a scene like this in the U.S.! Gorgeous! Not the biggest fan of the composition, something really needs to warrant a squarish crop for me. I go back and forth though, because the texturing in the clouds really does add. hhmmm.
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After a Desert Storm
05/21/2011 09:31:07 AM
After a Desert Storm
by lkn4truth

You'll always get extra credit points from me when veteran's are a subject :) This is a great shot, and I really like howt he clouds seem to swirl around the memorial!
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clouding up overnight with a chance of rain
05/21/2011 09:29:01 AM
clouding up overnight with a chance of rain
by jmritz

I REALLY like the idea of this photograph, but I'm lost in the story. Sorrow, sadness, a cane, a fence, a sign that says to call the "maritans", which reads "martians" to me. Perhaps the story is that simple, when I desire to feel more. The grain effect works perfect though and the composition is really nice. The long shadows of days end really add to this.
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05/21/2011 09:17:02 AM
by bnilesh

The texture of his hair, the soft bakeh are really nice. It seems about a micrometer from absolute tack-sharp though, which is really what takes these to the next level for me.
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Seven Thirty Shadow
05/21/2011 09:03:36 AM
Seven Thirty Shadow
by zencow

At first I was thinking the door frame was distracting, but the more I look the more I like it. It adds depth to the scene. The composition is very well done as well, many "sunglass" shots simpley go verticle or full frame the face, but here it tells more story. I like it!
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Colored buildings
05/21/2011 09:01:00 AM
Colored buildings
by hajeka

I really like the framing in this shot and the green colors of the houses really compliment the sky. I always look for photographer in the shadows though, Busted!! :D
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Dreaming of Horses
05/16/2011 07:51:50 PM
Dreaming of Horses
by vawendy

Wow, what an incredible story! Truely enjoyed the experience of your entire photo story. Class act here, can't wait for the next installment :D
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 21 - 30 of ~30

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