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Registered Userbsluijk

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Comments Made by bsluijk
Pages:   ... ... [68]
Showing 51 - 60 of ~674
Image Comment
Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita)
05/07/2021 10:19:13 AM
Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita)
by willem

Well done - especially on an elusive bird like a chiffchaff.
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05/07/2021 10:18:02 AM
by EstimatedEyes

Nice abstracty scene you have here!
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Let's Whisk Again (Like We Did Last Summer)
05/07/2021 10:15:32 AM
Let's Whisk Again (Like We Did Last Summer)
by sanders

Oh yes, the eggs again, and now they're free
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Wildflower Season
05/07/2021 10:15:14 AM
Wildflower Season
by grahamgator

Yellow and blue - a favorite of mine! On my monitor the right hand side of the barn is a bit of a black hole that distracts me - could you have lightened that up a little, perhaps?
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End of season
05/07/2021 10:13:15 AM
End of season
by Ammie

Quite some weather coming your way. Nice shot, with a big contrast between the restful sunset and the storm coming your way.
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05/07/2021 10:09:53 AM
by P-A-U-L

I like it, lovely - but I probably would've straightened the horizon. But then, that's my hot button.
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I Won't Nap!
05/07/2021 10:09:44 AM
I Won't Nap!
by vawendy

Great picture of he foxes, although the blurring vignette distracts me somewhat
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05/07/2021 10:08:44 AM
Anselland3rd Place
by LevT

Beautiful take - the top pick of mine
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Afternoon Shadows
05/02/2021 10:28:42 PM
Afternoon Shadows
by Lydia

Definitely a good sunburst, with the sun partially hidden to create the desired effect. I like the fence, and how it is lit. But the bottom right as it stands lacks interest. I'm curious how the picture would look with the sunburst and the fence closer together as the main elements in the picture.
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05/02/2021 10:09:26 PM
Arc1st Place
by pgirish007

Great shot, my pick for the blue. I love the many starbursts!
Must have been a pretty long exposure time, with a smooth sea, and the trail of a flashing airplane at the right.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Pages:   ... ... [68]
Showing 51 - 60 of ~674

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