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Registered Userlindseycouch

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Comments Made by lindseycouch
Showing 1 - 10 of ~35
Image Comment
03/09/2012 02:17:57 PM
by flaherma

Cheese grater?
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03/09/2012 02:16:33 PM
by GinaRothfels

Rim of a vase? Great use of colour and light. I don't think the thick black border does anything at all for the image, it's very distracting.
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In Your Ear!
03/09/2012 02:15:13 PM
In Your Ear!
by IdahoBaird

Love the clarity of the earpiece. I would have personally gone for a much closer crop for the purpose of this challenge, and because as an abstract that would have been much stronger.
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03/09/2012 02:13:43 PM
by CJinCA

Is that one of the squishy toys that stretch?

Whatever it is, great shot!
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03/02/2012 04:51:17 PM
by sfalice

As a silhouette shot this is quite good. The colour is very nice and the framing around it through the use of the branches is done very well. The only distraction is the branches that are in the background, as they somewhat cut into your very nice framing in the foreground. In particular the upright ones right in the middle of the image. Perhaps (if possible) moving them out of the way and then redoing the shot, or if that wasn't possible angling the camera slightly different to make them less obvious.
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Ferdinand The Bull
03/02/2012 04:46:07 PM
Ferdinand The Bull
by bassbone

Wonderful composition and lighting. This is a beautiful capture. I love the focus on his eyes, the angle of his head, the use of the space around his horn. Just awesome!
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Waldo's Tropical Retreat
03/02/2012 04:43:01 PM
Waldo's Tropical Retreat
by Olyuzi

I like the composition of this, the water leads you eye in and that's very well done. I do find the processing (or possibly filters used) makes it feel like it has an almost cartoon feel to it which I am not so fond of. It is a personal preference but it feels less like a photograph and more like a digital illustration.
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Negative Space: The Wild Blue Yonder
03/02/2012 04:27:28 PM
Negative Space: The Wild Blue Yonder
by slimp

Good use of negative space but to really get the full impact of it, I would have cropped the top of this shot out entirely. Make it all water and dog. The fact that his eyes are in focus speaks to excellent timing and his position within this photo is great composition, but I would definitely crop the top.
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Sunrise Terrigal NSW
03/02/2012 04:24:22 PM
Sunrise Terrigal NSW
by Raymondo

I think this photo (and location) has some great potential. It is missing an element that really grabs you and holds your attention, but you are almost there. I think if your body (camera) had been angled a little bit more to towards the sun and some more of the rays were included it would have made this have more impact. Do you have a polarizer? That would have really cut some of the glare and I think pumped up the natural colour in the water and the parts of the rocks that are not in the shadow. A tricky shot for sure.
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03/02/2012 04:20:05 PM
by Wez

Fantastic. The first thing that grabs me is his eyes. Despite being dark, in dark fur, you have captured them perfectly and your focus is excellent. I absolutely think the eyes make this very tricky shot. I honestly wouldn't change a thing. This is brilliant.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~35

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