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Registered Userlucidgirl

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Comments Made by lucidgirl
Showing 1 - 10 of ~20
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Local Farmers onlooking a great season......
06/27/2004 12:41:14 AM
Local Farmers onlooking a great season......
by Dseale

the lense flare definatly helps the photo.
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"Terror Alerts Cause Dam Closure"
06/27/2004 12:36:59 AM
"Terror Alerts Cause Dam Closure"
by tfarrell23

theres something strangely beautiful about the lack of contrast in this photo. I love it.
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Small town gears up for July 4th festivities
06/27/2004 12:35:54 AM
Small town gears up for July 4th festivities
by neenee1999

this one would definatly appear in a newspaper. She's cute, is she a family member of yours?
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SMOG! Air conditions for downtown area worsen.
06/27/2004 12:33:56 AM
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Flooding Continues
06/27/2004 12:32:42 AM
Flooding Continues
by weaverc

this is the best one I've seen yet. Its something that would really appear in a newspaper, its has great exposure and composition. I love the reflections.
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Ray of hope shines through Swing loss - Snappers 4, Swing 0
06/27/2004 12:31:32 AM
Ray of hope shines through Swing loss - Snappers 4, Swing 0
by RiderGal

great timing! do you really work for a newspaper? if not, you could.
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06/27/2004 12:31:05 AM
by Stagolee

I really like this. Its simple and well done.
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Rocketing high pretroleum prices
06/27/2004 12:28:10 AM
Rocketing high pretroleum prices
by gaurawa

this makes me dizzy! I like that you went for a different angle, but I'm not sure this would actually appear in a newspaper.
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new species cacti erectus
06/27/2004 12:26:22 AM
new species cacti erectus
by whiteroom

I like the stark contrast of colors. Some people would say its oversaturated I guess, but I like this!
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The Art of Modern Dance
06/27/2004 12:24:13 AM
The Art of Modern Dance
by MadMordegon

I see what you were going for here and its a great concept, but the bright light to the right is a little distracting. Great depiction of emotion and movement though!
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~20

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