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Registered Userjatinderspinder

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Comments Made by jatinderspinder
Showing 1 - 5 of ~5
Image Comment
The Earth Revolves Around Us
03/09/2005 03:24:02 PM
The Earth Revolves Around Us
by ccraft

Very imaginitive
Photographer found comment helpful.
Persistant Obesession
03/09/2005 03:23:18 PM
Persistant Obesession

This is very imaginative; however, I don't find the bed spreadvery appealing as a backdrop. You may have had more success with a regular sheet rather than a quilted comforter. The sheet would have had more interesting lines adn shadows. Also, this image may have done better if the composition used more of the rule of thrids.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Snow Tanning
03/09/2005 03:19:26 PM
Snow Tanning
by mrwaffles989

This is very imaginative. however, I would suggest taking images like this when teh sun is lower so you don't get as many shadows.
Photographer found comment helpful.
son of woman
03/09/2005 03:18:58 PM
son of woman
by Seanachai

This is very imaginitive. Bravo
Photographer found comment helpful.
03/09/2005 03:18:14 PM
by palmfrodur

I realize you probably receive a lot of comments already that this isn't exactly surreal. However, I would like to offer some construtive criticism of the photograph - it's a really nice portrait - your daughter has lovely expression and you caught her in a great moment. I think though, that in dark situations like this you should steady your camera on a tripod or on something sturdy if you cannot afford a tripod. Low lighting like this can result in a bit of camera shake, even on your end that will blur your image slightly. It looks like the focus isn't as sharp because o fthis. Your composition is quite good, but I would suggest trying to look at your negative space a little bit more. You could have made the main subjects pop right off the page in 3D with a little bit of shallow DoF - the negative space doesn't really do anything for the image. With a shallow DoF, you would only see the shape of the negative space and you wouldn't be distracted by tree branches. Good luck in this.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 5 of ~5

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