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Registered UserKoobers

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Comments Made by Koobers
Showing 1 - 10 of ~67
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Forgotten friend
05/27/2009 11:36:46 AM
Forgotten friend1st Place
by suemack

This is a treasure of a photograph, the lighting is so perfectly balanced and the composition is spot on. Personally I think square format is very difficult to compose but you seem to have really nailed it, excellent job!!! There is really nothing you could have done to make this a better photograph it is perfect the way it is, great job.
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Tiny Fingers
05/27/2009 10:50:18 AM
Tiny Fingers
by ButterflyGirl

This is a beautiful shot, I really wish it would have won a ribbon, I like how the tone of the big hand is darker than the baby's. It seems to indicate a life that's been lived in contrast to the lighter tone of the brand new life. My only critique is the baby's sleeve, the bright white of the sleeve against the black background keeps drawing my eye up to that corner and out of the frame. Other than that I think it is a very well balanced photograph and much nicer than anything I've been able to pull off.
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Waiting for the Spring
03/11/2009 10:43:20 AM
Waiting for the Spring3rd Place
by rio78

Here is a perfect example where breaking the rules in photography can yeild a better image than following them would have. You committed the cardinal sin of putting the subject right smack in the middle of the frame and yet I can not see how changing anything in this photo could possibly improve it. This is a near perfect image and I really enjoy the seagull at the top of the mast, excellent jobs and congratulations.
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From Above
11/28/2006 11:00:06 PM
From Above
by ganders

good image
Photographer found comment helpful.
At the Edge of Wilderness
11/28/2006 10:59:29 PM
At the Edge of Wilderness
by dsidwell

Alternately titled, "Don't Fence Me In."
Photographer found comment helpful.
Bridge of Light
11/28/2006 10:58:41 PM
Bridge of Light
by moonwell

Excellent night time image.
Photographer found comment helpful.
YO What up?
11/28/2006 10:57:47 PM
YO What up?
by xXxscarletxXx

I've always liked contrasty pictures of horses.
Photographer found comment helpful.
11/28/2006 10:56:54 PM
by macrothing

This image belongs on a Christmas Card.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Keeping a Proper Perspective
11/28/2006 10:56:06 PM
Keeping a Proper Perspective
by jasonlprice

Excellent point, so so image.
Photographer found comment helpful.
A Hawk's Perspective on Electricity
11/28/2006 10:53:13 PM
A Hawk's Perspective on Electricity
by noraneko

Nice hawk, bad angle.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~67

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