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Showing 81 - 90 of ~109
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Smoking Bullet
05/12/2006 03:11:01 AM
Smoking Bullet
by xianart

From the CTP MkII

First Impression:
NOOKlear! Not quite Warholia, but I don't think that's what you were gunning for. 6.;p
Centered vertical. It's a bit too compositionally static for my tastes... would've looked for a more dynamic composition for such wild colors. 5, which is the center of all things.
Ah, cuban? 8... Viva la Cubanos!XD
6. For curves and levels overkill.
A more dynamic composition, I guess. Off center or diagonal works, for that fuuunky munky effect.
Nice photo, all things considered. Keep it up!

New Disclaimer: I'm not on crack.

Message edited by author 2006-05-12 03:12:41.
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Through a Glass Darkly
05/11/2006 07:13:29 AM
Through a Glass Darkly
by xianart

From the CTP MkII

First Impression: God, the PP on this shot f-ing rocks. But guess what? The title f-ing rocked more! I don't know if you got it from the bible (1Cor 13:12) or from the movie (SÃ¥som i en spegel) or wherever, but such photos with such titles make my day. 10. No, 11.;p
Composition: Minus minor nitpicks, I would have it no other way. 9.
Subject: Hey, I just realized I'm not too wild about those boots... damn. I think I would've liked it better with naked feet. Eh, whatever... it still rocks. 8.
Technical: Spot on exposure, IMO. Blown-out window borders worked for me. 8.
Improvement: Remove those goddamned boots! Hehe. Besides that, nothing from me.
Summary: How do you youngsters say it again? I heart this photo -- is that about right? Good work, man. Congrats on the top 40 and the PB.

Disclaimer: The following crits are personal opinions, not photographic dogmas. Please see them as suggestions, not claims of mastery nor a show of hauteur.;p

P.S. Please pardon the f-word. It just occured to me that it might be offensive to some people. Can't help it. Sorry in advance.

Message edited by frisca - language.
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My Grandmother's Christening gown - 1911
05/11/2006 06:46:05 AM
My Grandmother's Christening gown - 1911
by xianart

From the CTP MkII

First Impression: Product shot!;p If it was, I'd buy one. 6.
Composition: 5. It's pretty square, and square doesn't do your subject justice, IMO. Square = Straightforward = Does not do well, sometimes.
Subject: 10. Because it's old and creepy and from the early 19th century. Hahaaah... this rocks.
Technical: 6. The highlights are blown-out, but the important details aren't. You did good, ma'am.
Improvement: Spiders, skulls, cobwebs, other creepy stuff. Or your gramma, if she's still around.
Summary: Product shot! Product shot! Product shot! I like it, though. I can just imagine what that gown's been through...

Disclaimer: The following crits are personal opinions, not photographic dogmas. Please see them as suggestions, not claims of mastery nor a show of hauteur.;p
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Never alone with a book...
05/11/2006 12:35:10 AM
Never alone with a book...
by xianart

From the CTP MkII

First Impression: What's with all the kids in the foreground? What are they doing for the shot? 5, because of those pesky kids.
Composition: 5. The foreground elements take a lot of attention from the subject. A tighter crop would've done your subject justice.
Subject: Your subject's a kid. Reading a book. You should've showed a lot more of just that, and a lot less of what it's not.
Technical: 6. Tonalities are fine, but a little bumping up of the contrast wouldn't hurt.
Summary: This is Candid, not Photojournalism. It doesn't have to speak volumes to be appreciated as one. Crop the hell out of it and it's a great photo.

Disclaimer: The following crits are personal opinions, not photographic dogmas. Please see them as suggestions, not claims of mastery nor a show of hauteur.;p

Message edited by author 2006-05-14 22:52:31.
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Morning Glory
05/10/2006 11:47:53 PM
Morning Glory
by yanko

From the CTP MkII

First Impression: Niiice. 7 or 8.
Composition: 9. A tighter crop wouldn't've worked for me as much as this one. It's fine as it is.
Subject: 10. As far as I'm concerned, it rocks in this department.
Technical: 8. A little more saturation, I guess. Then again, maybe not.
Improvement: Sorry. Don't think there's something that could be added in this regard. At least not from me.;p
Summary: It's not a photo that can be appreciated in one glance. One has to linger for a bit to really see this photo's merits. Congrats on your personal best.

Disclaimer: The following crits are personal opinions, not photographic dogmas. Please see them as suggestions, not claims of mastery nor a show of hauteur.;p

Message edited by author 2006-05-11 06:25:12.
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Backlit Under Clouds
05/10/2006 01:34:22 AM
Backlit Under Clouds
by Rebecca

From the CTP MkII

First Impression: 5. Dang, this photo's hard to crit. It's a nice shot, mind you, but looks raw. Nothing that a little PP won't fix, but still...
Composition: 5. The rock's okay but the background's bugging me. I don't think it does justice to the rock thing. Methinks you should've tried shooting from a higher or lower angle, so as not to "cut" the rock lip.
Subject: 5. Like my comment above, the rock's doing just great. It's the sky this time. Never shoot bald skies. DPCfolk don't like bald skies.
Technical: 5. This is where you failed, I guess. Subjects with dynamic range are pretty hard to shoot. Still, some PP like some contrast masking, selective saturation and desaturation, some levels and curves, and you're good to go.
Summary: Your photo's got a lot of potential. But a reshoot would be better.;p

Disclaimer: The following crits are personal opinions, not photographic dogmas. Please see them as suggestions, not claims of mastery nor a show of hauteur.;p

Message edited by author 2006-05-10 01:35:46.
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~ Rhythm ~
05/09/2006 02:25:59 AM
~ Rhythm ~
by yanko

From the CTP MkII
The following crits are personal opinions, not photographic dogmas. Please see them as suggestions, not claims of mastery nor a show of hauteur.;p

First Impression: Hookay, 5. The first thing that got to me (and I apologize for having to say this) was the sloppy application of selective desat. That, even more than the model (great-looking girl that she is), caught my attention, um, forcefully I guess.
Composition: 6. it's nice that you gave the subject "looking room" but methinks there's a bit too much black space for "looking". Cropping off just a wee bit from the right could make the shot better, IMO.
Subject: 6 or 7. The girl's great to look at so I guess that's all there is to it.;p
Technical: 4 or 5 because the color and desat spills make me uncomfortable. As a "fan" of selective desat, I would've preferred a more careful selection so as to avoid these color and desat spills. And I guess leaving a bit of color (say 15% to 40%) would've sufficed.
Improvement: As I have stated above, a wee bit of cropping from the right and a more careful application of selective desat would've worked wonders for it.
Summary: Dude, 6+ isn't so bad... it's even at the top 20s. So "Grrr" no more, okay? Okay.;p

Message edited by author 2006-05-29 00:40:41.
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The Circus in town
05/09/2006 01:49:18 AM
The Circus in town
by DigiFotoBuddy

From the CTP MkII
The following crits are personal opinions, not photographic dogmas. Please see them as suggestions, not claims of mastery nor a show of hauteur.;p

First Impression: Haha, amusing.:) 6, disregarding the technicals, because it amuses me to no end.
Composition: 5. A wider crop, which would've showed more of the ring, would've worked for me. Didn't like that you clipped the ringmaster's feet and the whole thing feels a bit too heavy at the right.
Subject: 9. Because it's fun.
Technical: 5 or 6. The less than stellar focus has done you in, IMO. I'm not sure I like the light disparity between the subject and the background but it's nothing a little selective desat won't fix.
Improvement: Recompose to the left and below, some burning and dodging, and a bit of color tweaking, I guess.
Summary: It's not that hard to imagine seeing it in a small town daily and it does jolly one up so good work. I'm a number too short on screws in the head so please do not be offended.;p

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The old House by the Sea
05/09/2006 01:22:14 AM
The old House by the Sea
by Gunnsi

From the CTP MkII
The following crits are personal opinions, not photographic dogmas. Please see them as suggestions, not claims of mastery nor a show of hauteur.;p

First Impression: Dang, this is nice. 6 because the colors're flat and a bit washed out BUT given the right PP, it could hold its ground up there with the big guys.
Composition: 8 here. Because it WORKS. And I know YOU know why it works so no more from me on this regard.
Subject: 6. Not really a fan of this genre, but I think you did good with it.
Technical: 5. Colors are bland and exposure's a bit under. But really, it's nothing a little PP couldn't fix.
Improvement: Nothing (from me) with regards to the shot, a wee bit of dodging and burning and bumping up contrast and saturating AAAND some sharpening for PP.
Summary: It's a good shot, really, with the potential of being a great shot. With proper PP, that is. Aaaaand I'm a number too short on screws in the head so please do not be offended.;p
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Palistinians go to Work in West Bank and Gaza again
05/09/2006 01:09:53 AM
Palistinians go to Work in West Bank and Gaza again
by Gunnsi

From the CTP MkII
The following crits are personal opinions, not photographic dogmas. Please see them as suggestions, not claims of mastery nor a show of hauteur.;p

First Impression: Whoa, 6. It's pretty powerful. With proper pp, it could very well be on the front page of a daily, IMO.
Composition: 6 or 7. Composition's fine with me, even with the tilted horizon (or whatever that is:p).
Subject: 8. Because social realism rocks.
Technical: 5. This is where you screwed up, pare. I don't know if it's too much NI or the JPEG compression but the fuzziness really bugs me. Which was too bad because I liked the almost duotone look of your photo.
Improvement: I guess a little sharpening or a bit more contrast would do the photo a lot more justice.
Summary: I, for one, liked your photo. The less than stellar output is no fault of your photographic abilities, but of your pp skillz. Also, I'm a number too short on screws in the head so please do not be offended.;p

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