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Comments Made by runyak
Showing 21 - 30 of ~34
Image Comment
Affectionate Otters
12/29/2009 10:53:46 PM
Affectionate Otters
by Steef

snapshot feel; get in closer, too much negative space for me
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secret love
12/29/2009 10:52:01 PM
secret love
by cutout

simple, direct
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Inside the fishermen church, place of love.
12/29/2009 10:48:12 PM
Inside the fishermen church, place of love.
by Rino63

good exposure but would like to see a person sitting in one of the chair (mid ground)
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I LOVE Winter Sales
12/29/2009 10:44:58 PM
I LOVE Winter Sales
by Wildpurple

unique but lacks something; perhaps too static
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Brothers Do Share
12/29/2009 10:36:06 PM
Brothers Do Share
by denbote

intriguing image; immediately question wat they are sharing, then where they are, then what country, etc
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Puppy Love
12/29/2009 10:34:37 PM
Puppy Love
by CrazyDiamond

i think this would be better if you could have gottn closer (head and shoulder type of a shot)
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White love
12/29/2009 10:29:01 PM
White love
by duartix

frosting or sugar or what? no indication of scale; keeps me thinking about it
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where the dog ends and the stuffed animal begins
12/29/2009 10:25:42 PM
where the dog ends and the stuffed animal begins
by skewsme

chromatic effect doesn't create enough contrast between the dog and doll, but perhaps that is what you wanteed considering the title
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Sisters in Life - Friends at Heart
12/29/2009 10:23:47 PM
Sisters in Life - Friends at Heart
by HeiSch

composition a little weak; would have like to see the crystal ball closer (be a part of the sister connection); a creative reflection within the ball would be cool
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Loves To Play
12/29/2009 10:21:20 PM
Loves To Play
by GolferDDS

can feel the cold of the snow, as well as enthusiasm of dog; i like it
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 21 - 30 of ~34

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