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Registered Userlatentflip

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Comments Made by latentflip
Showing 1 - 10 of ~36
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Degrees of Separation
10/31/2007 05:16:13 AM
Degrees of Separation
by Jutilda

Everything about this is stunning. Composition, colour, DOF, all spot on!
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Lost Barn
09/13/2007 07:44:05 PM
Lost Barn
by brizmama

Love how that cool old barn is hiding amongst a framework of different greens.
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09/06/2007 09:21:47 AM
by Gotaka

Colours are great, depth of field is nice and the focus on the snakes head is perfect. Unfortunately some interest is lost by not being able to see the snakes 'face' and that bit of bark that obscures part of the snake is a little off-putting. Not sure about the stick either. Overall I like it but it could be vastly improved by waiting for the snake to adopt a more interesting 'pose'.

Hope that helps.
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Wall-Crawlers 2
09/06/2007 09:15:45 AM
Wall-Crawlers 2
by Gotaka

I like the composition here. It's perhaps slightly underexposed: a little more exposure would probably brighten up the wall without brightening the people too much: bumping the contrast and helping the people pop out of the frame a little more. It would be good too if the ropes were more visible as they would make for good leading lines to the people.

Hope that helps?
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Wall Crawlers
09/06/2007 09:12:03 AM
Wall Crawlers
by Gotaka

Its a good angle in my opinion but the composition could perhaps be improved: it seems a little right-heavy with that large empty space on the left, and the people falling out of the frame on the right. I would have perhaps pulled back a little and panned right to fit them all in the frame, and opened up that aperture a little to get a slightly shallower depth of field so that the subject becomes one of the people rather than all of them.

I'm rambling now but perhaps also rotating the frame slightly, so that the leading lines of the row of bricks above and below the people intersected at the same point on the top and bottom of the frame (perhaps at the top and bottom left hand corners). Hope that makes sense?
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09/06/2007 09:03:38 AM
by Gotaka

I like the colours, lights and composition vertically. Horizontally having the monument in the middle of the frame is a little offputting perhaps it would be better moved to the right to obey the "rule of thirds".

The horizon also looks a little squint (the monument looks slightly slanted) which is easily fixed in photoshop. Otherwise I like the picture, that gradient on the sky is lovely.
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08/01/2007 06:43:08 PM

by boysetsfire

Love it! Saw the thumb and it looked so empty I had to click it. Full view though and its great. I like the big dark area at the bottom tho perhaps it would look better with just a little less.

As an alternative image I would love to see a vertical crop of the left hand half-ish of the image but moved up a bit to just include the lamp, the runners and a good chunk of the black at the bottom. Though I am guessing that would have to come from a different image.

A great start to the months thread!
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From Snowy CMYK to Sunny RGB
06/26/2007 08:47:00 AM
From Snowy CMYK to Sunny RGB
by nutzito

My apologies, don't quite know why I stopped my comment at hmm, can't remember what I meant to say. Good job on the place tho.

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dance is transitions
06/19/2007 03:24:07 PM
dance is transitions
by klynn

Could really do with some more contrast and focus to give it more impact.
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The way of transition
06/18/2007 05:04:31 PM
The way of transition
by tiby_dicu

I really like this but the fact that no part is obviously in focus is a little off-putting.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~36

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