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Comments Made by sanschag
Showing 1 - 10 of ~64
Image Comment
Waterfall Landscape
07/09/2008 03:03:48 PM
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Mountains' Majesty
07/09/2008 10:51:12 AM
Mountains' Majesty
by Blackbox

Very nice. I think it would be stronger with less sky.
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Run to the water
07/09/2008 10:50:01 AM
Run to the water
by basjon

Nice image. I would like to see far less sky (75% or so less) since it doesn't really add anything.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Weathered Landscape
07/09/2008 10:14:09 AM
Weathered Landscape
by C_Steve_G

Very nice location and good exposure. I think he image would have been better if the rock was more off-center. (Perhaps simply rotating the view to the right a bit.)
Photographer found comment helpful.
07/09/2008 10:09:53 AM
by indridistefans

Interesting image. However, I feel there are 2 things that could be improved. 1) There is too much foreground and 2) the foreground is too dark.
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Camels, Desert & Mountains, das U.A.E
07/03/2008 03:25:19 PM
Camels, Desert & Mountains, das U.A.E
by anwarrana

Very unusual colors. I'd like to see the mountains more.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Bell tower near in the cemetery
07/03/2008 11:16:18 AM
Bell tower near in the cemetery
by kiskat

Very nice image. The contrast is handled well. A minor point: I would like to have the tip of the spire included in the frame (and maybe the whole base as well.)
Photographer found comment helpful.
07/03/2008 09:50:08 AM
by MG

Very nice clouds. I would prefer somewhat less grass in the foreground. I also find the trees & barn a bit dark. (I realize you exposed for the sky to prevent them blowing out.)
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05/08/2008 10:58:42 AM
by skewsme

Interesting image. Nice use of implied triangle. The centering makes it feel a bit static.
Photographer found comment helpful.
05/08/2008 10:25:55 AM
by TomCubis

Interesting image. While having the gem in the upper right is unconventional, it makes for a much more dramatic image. (I like it a lot.) I find the bright white band at the right distracting.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~64

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