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Registered UserAnimeSecondToNone

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Comments Received by AnimeSecondToNone
Showing 11 - 20 of ~21
Image Comment
Pup Star
01/27/2009 07:33:36 PM
Pup Star
by AnimeSecondToNone

Comment by Yo_Spiff:
There are a few problems with this entry I'm afraid. The major one is poor white balance that is creating a color cast. You may have been shooting this under incandescent bulbs, judging from the yellow cast. Your camera should have a WB setting labeled "incandescent" or "tungsten" that will give a more natural appearance to something under these conditions.
Pup Star
01/26/2009 01:00:48 PM
Pup Star
by AnimeSecondToNone

Comment by Bebe:
I'm afraid that the lighting, color & blur of this image isn't really doing anything for me.
Pup Star
01/25/2009 02:10:54 AM
Pup Star
by AnimeSecondToNone

Comment by K3Master:
A 3 for:

- blown highlights (try different exposure methods to avoid this, if possible)
- bad white balance. If your camera doesn't have a great auto-white balance, or manual white balance modes, try shooting in different lighting (say outdoors, or under fluorescent lights, to try and achieve less color cast in your photo (in this case, it is overly yellow).

- focus. The overall photo is very blurry and fuzzy, which means that focus was missed. Either this is because the camera wasn't held steady, or the shutter was pressed before auto-focus was achieved properly.

Another element that can be improved is composition (try finding more interesting ways to pose and/or shoot from different angles. Straight on shots are rarely going to get much score.)
Pup Star
01/24/2009 05:05:40 PM
Pup Star
01/23/2009 05:03:27 PM
Pup Star
by AnimeSecondToNone

Comment by TheStick:
Wow that's a REALLY yellow tint!
Pup Star
01/23/2009 04:06:04 PM
Pup Star
by AnimeSecondToNone

Comment by dianoguy:
Cool idea... The image could be a lot sharper, though. I think I'd prefer to see the yellow tones backed off a bit, as well.
Pup Star
01/22/2009 09:17:25 PM
Pup Star
by AnimeSecondToNone

Comment by rlewis:
Out of focus, your white balance seems off and the composition doesn't arouse interest.
Pup Star
01/22/2009 03:14:36 PM
Pup Star
by AnimeSecondToNone

Comment by justine:
Maybe try using a tripod so the focus is better and try different types of lighting. This is pretty harsh.
Pup Star
01/22/2009 10:02:57 AM
Pup Star
by AnimeSecondToNone

Comment by treimee:
Focus is way off. Colors are off and way oversaturated.
Pup Star
01/21/2009 09:38:03 AM
Pup Star
by AnimeSecondToNone

Comment by hesitant:
far out
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 11 - 20 of ~21

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