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Registered Useravkuvalekar

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Comments Received by avkuvalekar
Showing 1 - 9 of ~9
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The balancing act for life
07/26/2009 07:47:36 AM
The balancing act for life
by avkuvalekar

Comment by Ecce_Signum:
Greetings from Andi via the Critique Club

First Impression: Meets the challenge well, a fun shot and having the subject central in the shot works well for me.

Composition: The composition is fine however I'd have been inclined to have taken a few steps to the left to lose the background tree that is competing with the juggler (though this might have brought something more distracting into the scene).

Tecnical: Focus seems fine however the image is underexposed and I can't make out what the juggler has on the end of the stick, a nice shot requiringing some 'pop'.

Overall thoughts: Nothing in the shot screams 'WOW' to me. I think its a decent image just lacking on a few technical points. I'm looking forward to viewing more of your work Aditya.
The balancing act for life
07/20/2009 09:35:03 PM
The balancing act for life
by avkuvalekar

Comment by bcenu:
Lose what he's balancing in the shadows. Good capture all the same.
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Strangers in a park
02/04/2009 12:16:34 AM
Strangers in a park
by avkuvalekar

Comment by avkuvalekar:

thanks a lot to all of you for your comments. This was my first ever post on dpchallenge and it's precisely for the comments like these that I think coming here will help me a lot.
As for the challenge, this was a random shot I had taken before and then I realised that I can use it for this challenge. I totally agree that had the legs not been chopped off it might have been better but then there were way too many things in the frame if I tried to retain their entire body. Too long a shutter speed causing the blur!! :(
Also, I agree that focussing should have been a bit more sharp.
Looking forward to hearing from you in future.
Thanks a lot.
Strangers in a park
02/03/2009 09:26:46 AM
Strangers in a park
by avkuvalekar

Comment by david1707:
I think it fits the challenge well, but the composition doesn't work for me. The legs of the gentlemen are cut off in odd places,the focus is too soft, and the scene is cluttered. I think a black and white convertion would add to this shot. Nice job being observant to your suroundings. 4
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Strangers in a park
02/01/2009 05:34:20 PM
Strangers in a park
by avkuvalekar

Comment by ThingFish:
Pretty glum looking people and quite a lot of litter all over the ground. I'm sure they are silent as they aren't talking to each other but the image as a whole does not convey a strong feeling of silence to me. As for the composition....you chopped the guys legs off and the photo would be much improved if you had stood a bit further back. Also you cropped a bit to close to the tops of their heads. 4
Photographer found comment helpful.
Strangers in a park
01/31/2009 09:59:11 PM
Strangers in a park
by avkuvalekar

Comment by WickedSound:
Great shot all around and the title is perfect. The only thing I wish about the photo is their legs hasn't been cropped off. 7
Photographer found comment helpful.
Strangers in a park
01/31/2009 08:20:44 PM
Strangers in a park
by avkuvalekar

Comment by vawendy:
I'm sorry, I think the picture could be much better. The skin tones look too red, though I like the red in the background and on the bench. It looks soft, and I'm not sure about cropping them off.

HOWEVER, I gave you an 8 because I think it really speaks to the category! I've never given an 8 unless I thought the photo was spectacular. But something about this scene really speaks to me.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Strangers in a park
01/31/2009 09:37:31 AM
Strangers in a park
by avkuvalekar

Comment by BJokerud:
To long shutterspeed I reckon... Otherwise a nice shot
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Strangers in a park
01/28/2009 12:23:45 PM
Strangers in a park
by avkuvalekar

Comment by blad:
move out a bit and less foreground. nice idea though.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 9 of ~9

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