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Comments Received by mel13
Showing 11 - 20 of ~26
Image Comment
05/22/2013 08:09:59 PM
by mel13

Comment by Lydia:
I can see that there's a choice... do the wrong thing or do the right thing... so... I guess it's a "fork".

I hope the voters understand.

(commenting only)
 The blue sky above
06/30/2009 01:04:22 AM
The blue sky above
by mel13

Comment by IWhispered:
The bottom doesn't seem to fit the photo.
 The blue sky above
06/27/2009 10:30:10 PM
The blue sky above
by mel13

Comment by RamblinR:
This falls in more of a landscape type perspective. Fails to be the ground up concept for me. Nice blue sky and clouds though.
 The blue sky above
06/26/2009 09:40:59 AM
The blue sky above
by mel13

Comment by jotaga:
the sky above is really beautiful!! unfortunately i cant get my eyes off the tilted house... i think you had a difficult choice between let the wall tilted or the house... i think you should have chosen the wall, because it will let a perpesctive or something,,, because when i look to the tilted house it really bothers me...
 The blue sky above
06/25/2009 08:02:41 AM
The blue sky above
by mel13

Comment by SurreyHighlander:
Love the blue!
Photographer found comment helpful.
 The blue sky above
06/24/2009 07:53:41 AM
The blue sky above
by mel13

Comment by temmermb:
a pitty that the bottom is cut off too much (to my opinion)
Photographer found comment helpful.
Can a gas station be anything but desolate?
02/25/2009 04:37:52 PM
Photographer found comment helpful.
Can a gas station be anything but desolate?
02/24/2009 02:45:04 PM
Can a gas station be anything but desolate?
by mel13

Comment by Yo_Spiff:
The title is a good description. This does convey desolation. Probably a boring shift for the clerk inside.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Can a gas station be anything but desolate?
02/21/2009 09:44:18 AM
Can a gas station be anything but desolate?
by mel13

Comment by Ja-9:
not sure if a longer exposure (and probably a tripod) wouldn't have helped...the lighting is just a little to dark
Photographer found comment helpful.
Can a gas station be anything but desolate?
02/20/2009 12:18:33 PM
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 11 - 20 of ~26

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