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Registered UserMiKeks

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Comments Received by MiKeks
Showing 1 - 10 of ~17
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Boy's Best Friend
11/10/2009 10:00:40 PM
Boy's Best Friend
by MiKeks

Comment by posthumous:
Awwww touching.
Boy's Best Friend
11/10/2009 01:03:10 PM
Boy's Best Friend
by MiKeks

Comment by wphunt10:
I elected to use a rating table to decide on what value to assign during voting.
Here̢۪s the table:
1 No Animal/People Interaction
2 Slightly Appealing, but no Animal/People Interaction
3 Moderately Appealing, but on Animal/People Interaction
4 Greatly Appealing, but no Animal/People interaction
5 Not Appealing, but possessing Animal/People Interaction
6 Slightly Appealing and possessing Animal/People Interaction
7 Moderately Appealing and possessing Animal/People Interaction
8 Greatly Appealing and possessing Animal People Interaction
9 Better than #8, and caused an audible sigh
10 Better than #9, and would likely declare it a favorite
Boy's Best Friend
11/07/2009 05:33:30 AM
Boy's Best Friend
by MiKeks

Comment by timfythetoo:
This just screams life to me and I am totally buying the title. Love that its not a studio shot and just feels so real. Bumping up to 8.
Boy's Best Friend
11/06/2009 09:04:27 AM
Boy's Best Friend
by MiKeks

Comment by patches:
How cute they are! Would have rated higher if you had cropped tighter getting rid of the extraneous items on the left side.
Boy's Best Friend
11/04/2009 07:18:45 PM
Boy's Best Friend
by MiKeks

Comment by Keith_W:
Nice shot!
Boy's Best Friend
11/04/2009 05:25:56 PM
Boy's Best Friend
by MiKeks

Comment by MaryO:
Very tolerant dog! The yellow boots are cute (reminds me of my daughter at about that age) but for this challenge I think B&W and a tighter crop (maybe even a lower shooting angle) would work better. I'm just seeing too much extraneous stuff in the background that doesn't add to the story of their relationship.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Boy's Best Friend
11/04/2009 02:32:26 PM
Boy's Best Friend
by MiKeks

Comment by lynnesite:
Some control over your background elements would help this make a more powerful photo of interaction. What a cute pair.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Boy's Best Friend
11/04/2009 12:48:22 PM
Boy's Best Friend
by MiKeks

Comment by disassociation:
a sweet moment! s/he looks like an amazing dog! i feel like the DOF could have been shallower, but this is till very nice.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Boy's Best Friend
11/04/2009 07:47:31 AM
Boy's Best Friend
by MiKeks

Comment by jim29028:
Nice family moment, the cluttered background detracts from the picture and may have benefited if you'd gotten down to their level.
Photographer found comment helpful.
3rd on Fridge
08/30/2009 03:06:57 PM
3rd on Fridge
by MiKeks

Comment by thilom:
Interesting idea but focus on the objects is not 100% crisp and I feel you need something to make the photo more interesting. The 'dirt' on the left is also distracting.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~17

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