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Registered UserHepci

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10/07/2009 08:49:03 PM
by Hepci

Comment by Hepci:

I guess I don't even have words for this placement....

Thank u all for voting!

Basically how the photo went was i dropped the bread tie on the floor and thought... hmmm that would be a cool entry for the challenge so I put the bread loaf down and shot it with my camera as is stood.

I am not going to twist it and stage the photo like requested that I should do. I basically like to take photo's that are as they are.
Thanks for all the comments and votes.

10/06/2009 07:55:48 AM
by Hepci

Comment by glad2badad:
Yep, a twisty it is. I think the narrow DOF would work better without the extra negative space.
Photographer found comment helpful.
10/01/2009 11:17:41 PM
by Hepci

Comment by mycelium:
I like this minimalist approach. For such a stark shot, lighting and crispness are key. I'd have liked to see a clean white background for the shot rather than the murky pink. Great idea for this challenge.
Photographer found comment helpful.
10/01/2009 03:13:22 PM
by Hepci

Comment by Melethia:
I normally won't mention borders because I don't normally notice borders. The exception is when they overpower the picture, and in a way that's happening here. I do kinda like the shallow DOF on the poor lonely twisty. But that border really does bother me...
Photographer found comment helpful.
10/01/2009 01:47:20 PM
by Hepci

Comment by Jaded_Housewife:
*not voting as I'm in this challenge-just commenting since I've seen requests for comments in the challenge thread*

I've seen a few of these in this challenge so far and although I like the concept I think it would have helped had you twisted it into some sort of shape. The placement in the frame is intersting and I like how you've matched your border to the twist tie.
Photographer found comment helpful.
10/01/2009 12:43:15 PM
by Hepci

Comment by keyz:
The shape is not very attractive so you should make efforts on lighting to enhance the subject.
Photographer found comment helpful.
04/22/2009 12:55:06 AM
by Hepci

Comment by Hepci:
thanks for the comments everyone.

It just popped into my head when thinking about the lighting challenge. I wasn't expecting to get a high rank. It was my first attempt at something like this and fun to open my mind to new things!!

The use of light is the purpose (hence "LIGHTING") I feel more people are failing to understand the actual PURPOSE of these challenges and actually taking the time to read and understand what the rules are. I feel this photo IDEA it self fails to fall short of the rules and using and capturing LIGHT in a CREATIVE way. Thanks Teafran for the comment but I think you fail to understand the challenge rules

Originally posted by Teafran:

A good entry into the challenge, it falls just short of demonstrating the use of light for a purpose.

Message edited by author 2009-04-22 01:02:02.
04/19/2009 09:18:14 PM
by Hepci

Comment by Teafran:
Manufactured light in a dark setting - long exposure that isn't quite as crisp as one would expect. The overuse of dark space detracts from the laser image and the red frame creates some confusion in viewing. A good entry into the challenge, it falls just short of demonstrating the use of light for a purpose.
04/16/2009 12:20:32 AM
by Hepci

Comment by surlybiff:
Maybe not the nicest photo technically, but certainly 100% to the topic. So good work!
Photographer found comment helpful.
04/15/2009 04:50:51 AM
by Hepci

Comment by fitz3000:
great negative space photo 10
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~25

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