Squeezebox In The Summerby
tommypComment by macrothing:
Critique Club Critique
First Impressions
Catchy title. Makes me think of The Who. If only the image came with a soundbyte. Despite all the 'contents', I'd still like to see more street context for this Challenge. Definitely like to see eye contact, if not some facial expression.
Photograph Information, Technicals & Composition Review
The lighting is a little poor and some tweaking in pp (post-processing) may have given this an edge (without blowing the visible light out that is in the image). Seems some slight blur as well, but could be focal issues, difficult to tell, so again some tweaking in pp may have helped. I see you had this on 1/4 second - can't help but wonder about a longer exposure with a lower ISO, to gain some movement in the squeezebox.
Comments, Score & Placement Review
102/135 and 4.87 is not the strongest score and placement, but my guess is that there's nothing engaging enough to hold the voters' attention - such as eye contact or facial expression/character capture. The other elements around are not that interesting to look at and the focus is not sharp enough to 'wander through' them.
The comments are all helpful.
With some tweaking in pp, I think this image might have held a little more depth and interest. It is a good scene and well spotted, perhaps waiting for 'the moment', or even asking for a shot, may have produced a more engaging photograph.