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Registered Userchestom

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Comments Received by chestom
Showing 1 - 10 of ~16
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Sew me..
08/28/2009 11:28:57 PM
Sew me..
by chestom

Comment by chestom:
Thanks everyone.. Your comments helped a lot..
Sew me..
08/26/2009 05:31:07 PM
Sew me..
by chestom

Comment by Ecce_Signum:
Greetings from Andi via the Critique Club Chester and congratulations on an excellent score in your first challenge here (and obviously your new personal best lol).

First Impression: Don't normally notice nor comment on borders unles they clash with the image and sadly I'm constantly drawn to the border rather than the image within.

Composition: A pretty good composition and reading your comments I agree that it would have been better with the machine on the right, getting all of the baseplate in the shot and moving the bobbin to the left with a little space between it and the sewing machine.

Subject: Yup, meets the challenge well though like others am not convinced by the hand sewing needle though guess you shoot what you have. An interesting take on the challenge, I like it.

Technical: The background is great with the pastel colours though there is a little blown out area in the centre. I believe the reason why this didn't crack a 6 is the detail (or lack of it) in the sewing machine. For me it lacks detail and another light source on the machine would have made this image pop.

Final thoughts: A decent image well shot so well done and I look forwards to more of your work - good luck in future challenges.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Sew me..
08/25/2009 11:52:54 PM
Sew me..
by chestom

Comment by bvlindalou:
like the idea and the shot .......dislike the border. IMHO I would have done a border with black on top and bottom.......I think it would have made the image pop.......extra points for the title
Photographer found comment helpful.
Sew me..
08/24/2009 02:55:56 PM
Sew me..
by chestom

Comment by jessielude:
Fascinating colors... I like the feel of this shot, I'm a fan of noise, though.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Sew me..
08/23/2009 01:20:19 PM
Sew me..
by chestom

Comment by nibbles:
nice close up view.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Sew me..
08/22/2009 07:45:21 PM
Sew me..
by chestom

Comment by Timosaby:
I really like this, the composition is very nice, i would have loved to see the tip of the needle sharp and maybe the string roll a little blurrier (just my opinion), Your border is yuck! Shame to see a nice image framed like that :(
Photographer found comment helpful.
Sew me..
08/22/2009 11:59:28 AM
Sew me..
by chestom

Comment by VitaminB:
One of my favourites in this challenge. I like the shallow DOF, and the pastel colours. Not crazy about the border though, but that is just personal preference.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Sew me..
08/22/2009 10:49:23 AM
Sew me..
by chestom

Comment by ace flyman:
Nice idea, I think the composition is off a litlle, the focus is the head of the needle resting on the arm but the crop of the image puts the focus on the bar coming down, if that makes any since. Not marking down for the boarder, I feel it's distracting. Lighting and the background are Great.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Sew me..
08/22/2009 12:00:10 AM
Sew me..
by chestom

Comment by vawendy:
The very shallow depth of field on the needle is very distracting (imo). It doesn't work well for me, because it's a strange setup. The hand sewing needle and the lack of needle on the machine doesn't make a lot of sense in the still life, because they really don't go together (unless the needle is there because the sewing machine doesn't work anymore). It was a good effort, though. (last thing--I think the picture would be much stronger without the border. I don't vote on borders, but some people do...) 5
Photographer found comment helpful.
Sew me..
08/21/2009 04:09:22 PM
Sew me..
by chestom

Comment by bobnospum:
Very nice, with good use of DOF and interesting lines in the composition. The blue border is not too my liking as it is distracting.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~16

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