Fiesta Then Siestaby
Hey, Corey, We're neighbors. I'll look forward to meeting you one of these days. Now, ordinarily your image would have gone into limbo-land at rollover, but we've cleared the queue of current entries and have the choice to go back and catch up. Yours is the first image to show up in my catch up queue.
I love the bright colors of this and your bug. Since I am a bug chaser myself, well...I had to look at more of your portfolio. Yeah. Bugs. Nice.
Frankly I do not know the limitations of your camera. You can study your owners manual and see just what you can do and fudge as much as possible. So much for recommendations on that.
I had a 'better' crop in mind. Getting rid of most of the blurry background matter and focusing on the main attraction: The Bug. But it was not to be as the jaggies showed up immediately when I placed this temporarily on my own computer.
So my only suggestion in connection with this fun and splashy image is to know just what you can get away with and push it as far as you and Photoshop can get away with.
You have a good eye. I look forward to seeing what you do with it.
(Photo tip. You probably already know this: The gardens at UC Santa Cruz are splendid from about a month from now and through the summer. Bugs, bees, hummingbirds, oh, just heaven for the likes of us.)