Sacred corner in my houseby
royansComment by Neuferland: Critique Club
Hi! I had commented on this shot during the challenge, now let me see if I can be a little more specific! :)
Like I said before, I love the shot overall, the composition is well done, the cross off the the left and the beads leading your around the shot.
The DOF is well done but a tad more clarity/sharpness on the cross the the front beads I think would really make this shot jump out at me. The color still bothers me a bit too. The purplish/pink hue just doesn't seem to quite fit the scene to me. I would love to see this shot in black and white or with a sepia tones. Or possibly bring up the contrast just a touch to really make the shot pop out at me.
I also like the angle of the shot but if you do reshoot this, maybe come up just a 1/4 of an inch so you could really get the feel of the flow of the beads through the shot. The beads in the front are just a bit blown out, not sure what lighting you used, maybe a light coming in from each side to defuse the light from the front. Also the beads seems to have a halo around them, this is a great effect for this challenge and I would love to know how it was achieved.
Hope this helps!
Good Luck In Future Challenges!
Deannda if you have any questions or want to discuss this further!