Dr. Feelgoodby
Jon66Comment by Gatorguy: Hi, Critique Club here...
By reading your comments you didn't expect much from this, and as it turns out,you were right.
I think what hurt this was the WOW factor. As you know, an image pretty much has to knock the collective voters socks off to score well and this one obviously didn't do that.
Now why?
Your colors are good, the images is reasonably sharp, you exposed well, the white snow is actually white and not a shade of gray like so many others.
So technical merit is not the problem.
I think it's composition, and maybe subject matter.
To me, the image is too linear and therefor very static which means not very interesting. Maybe the shot from an angle would be more exciting, but then maybe the graphic wouldn't show all that well, I don't know. Personally, I always try to shoot an object like this from a 3/4 angle and then experiment with how it might look at different elevations. I also think the crop is too tight which makes the bench see very constrained. I'm guessing the background was distracting so that's why your choice of cropping.
Maybe the voters didn't think this was a good representation of graffiti?
I hope my thoughts on this have been at least somewhat helpful.
Message edited by author 2010-02-04 09:13:32.