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Comments Received by tellme
Showing 11 - 20 of ~36
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Chiado - where the dead poets still live
10/07/2010 06:52:59 PM
Chiado - where the dead poets still live
by tellme

Comment by dtremain:
I find the statue too dark - perhaps it is just my screen.
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Chiado - where the dead poets still live
10/06/2010 03:36:06 AM
Chiado - where the dead poets still live
by tellme

Comment by daisydavid:
beautiful light setting, probably would have used a little more fill on the upper torso, maybe just my monitor
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It's not a very fair tale...
10/04/2010 05:48:06 PM
It's not a very fair tale...
by tellme

Comment by tellme:
Thanks for all your sweet words.
I only photograph at a month and I'm still learning. It was hard to be in both sides of the camera, it is a self portrait. Yes,I feel sad for the lower score, but I'll do it again, because I love this photo!
It's not a very fair tale...
10/04/2010 07:14:44 AM
It's not a very fair tale...
by tellme

Comment by Luci11e:
Still my favorite and I think this should have scored much higher - you already know it's my choice for the blue and you pulled a 10 from me. GREAT WORK!
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It's not a very fair tale...
10/04/2010 05:48:44 AM
It's not a very fair tale...
by tellme

Comment by sarampo:
Bem, grande ideia e imaginação :)

E para autoretrato está muito bom, sei que é difícil focar nessas condições.

Continua :)
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It's not a very fair tale...
10/04/2010 03:33:11 AM
It's not a very fair tale...
by tellme

Comment by Insomniac:
Adorei! Não mereceste os 9 1's, mas ao menos recebeste 3 10's de pessoas que reconheceram o teu talento. Parabéns! :-)
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It's not a very fair tale...
10/04/2010 12:29:57 AM
It's not a very fair tale...
by tellme

Comment by odriew:
I don't know if the blown highlights were intentional but the end product looks really nice. This was one of my top picks.
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It's not a very fair tale...
10/03/2010 07:07:50 PM
It's not a very fair tale...
by tellme

Comment by hawkeyefilms:
Neat concept but overblown exposure and lack of sharp focal point forces the image to lose it's impact. Might make a good album cover though
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It's not a very fair tale...
10/03/2010 01:43:35 PM
It's not a very fair tale...
by tellme

Comment by IreneM:
Very art-deco. I think this would make a great poster.
Photographer found comment helpful.
It's not a very fair tale...
10/01/2010 06:26:46 PM
It's not a very fair tale...
by tellme

Comment by bergiekat:
LOL! Nicely done!
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 11 - 20 of ~36

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