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Comments Received by Palli747
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What's better on a warm summer day?
05/08/2002 10:51:00 AM
What's better on a warm summer day?
by Palli747

Comment by Patella:
For a product ad, like this, I think you might want to try to make sure that all the product's name is in the shot. Also, the bottle of Pepsi is really small in the shot -- a tighter crop on the girl could help that some. While the lighting is great for the rocks behind her, it really shadows the right side of her face. It's kind of typical, but I think I would have had her drinking from the bottle, faced a little more toward the sun, and zoomed in a bit. That way you could still have the nice background, but with a little more on the proudct placement.
What's better on a warm summer day?
05/08/2002 12:07:00 AM
What's better on a warm summer day?
by Palli747

Comment by lisae:
I think if you're going to have a cute girl in an advertising photo, her face shouldn't be almost completely in shadow. Also, the pepsi bottle isn't as prominant as the logo on her shirt, which is confusing. The setting is interesting for a photo, but not enticing for an advertising shot.

Lastly, can I have a cute boy bring me my pepsi, please? :) Actually, I guess the rationale behind using girls in most advertising is because the males in the audience want her, and the girls in the audience want to be her, so it's win-win.... somehow.
What's better on a warm summer day?
05/07/2002 11:49:00 PM
What's better on a warm summer day?
by Palli747

Comment by Gordon:
lighting doesn't help her much, too much from her left, almost a 'hatchet' lighting, which doesn't flatter. Maybe a vertical framing would work better too ?
What's better on a warm summer day?
05/07/2002 03:25:00 PM
What's better on a warm summer day?
by Palli747

Comment by vin rigby:
get in closer and use your to flashto fill those shadows - brighter more colourful background would help - and portrait rather than landsape
What's better on a warm summer day?
05/07/2002 01:49:00 PM
What's better on a warm summer day?
by Palli747

Comment by ClubJuggle:
A tighter crop and a fill flash would have helped this photo immensely. This really should be portrait-mode, and with more light on the Pepsi.
What's better on a warm summer day?
05/07/2002 10:38:00 AM
What's better on a warm summer day?
by Palli747

Comment by dlh:
This is a great idea but it is a bit dark on the left side.. I think a Lightdisc would have helped..
What's better on a warm summer day?
05/07/2002 08:28:00 AM
What's better on a warm summer day?
by Palli747

Comment by crisa58:
shadow on her face really detracts. scenery in nice
What's better on a warm summer day?
05/07/2002 06:46:00 AM
What's better on a warm summer day?
by Palli747

Comment by cbonsall:
nice, shame half her face is in shadow
What's better on a warm summer day?
05/07/2002 06:43:00 AM
What's better on a warm summer day?
by Palli747

Comment by itsaghostcar:
You probably don't need all of the background in this photo. Cropping would have helped. Also ... get in closer to your subject and watch out for shadows cast by the sun.
What's better on a warm summer day?
05/06/2002 11:41:00 PM
What's better on a warm summer day?
by Palli747

Comment by joebar:
Looks like she prefers Coke..
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