Night time frogby
jasondelaneComment by JacksonGariety: Greeting, from the critique club!
Nice composition and subject matter, I think those are the strong point of the image, but that REALLY hurts the shot is that it is, overall, out of focus. On the frog, the shot would have done MUCH better if the focus had been on his eyes and mouth, rather then his neck and back. All the interesting details of his face are blurred out, while, for some reason, the DOF is directed on his neck/shoulder area. So, it might have profited you better to use something more like f/11, then to adjust your focus manually to get the head in focus.
After the focus, the second thing that hurts the image is the lighting. All of the light is shining on the background, while just a bi falls of the frog itself. Though you probably had no control over this, I must say it would help you a lot to put this into some processing software and get some more light on the subject. Though it's a minor imperfection.
Other then those two factors, the shot is well done. Composition is great, blurred background would really help the frog pop had it been more in-focus, and catching the fog the way you did, peeking through the twigs and leaves, was just pure beauty.
Hope I was helpful!
- Jackson