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Registered UserchelseaXOXO

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Comments Received by chelseaXOXO
Showing 1 - 10 of ~27
Image Comment
JV Baby
08/31/2011 10:28:15 AM
JV Baby
by chelseaXOXO

Comment by blindjustice:
high snap! great color.
Beautiful Scents
08/04/2011 05:06:16 PM
Beautiful Scents
by chelseaXOXO

Comment by doremi:
Nice reflection of the tissue paper on the lid. I might have cropped out the candle altogether to highlight the lovely textures on the left side of your photo.
Beautiful Scents
08/03/2011 09:49:13 AM
Beautiful Scents
by chelseaXOXO

Comment by kwakerr:
out of focus, good concept, but the image is out of focus and the composition could be improved. why is there empty space on the left and the candle is right up against the right side? Did you take different shots at different angles?
S p r i n g T i m e
04/06/2011 10:01:49 PM
S p r i n g T i m e
by chelseaXOXO

Comment by Alicia:
Greetings from the Critique Club! You requested an in-depth critique of your image, and here it is:

This is a beautiful image in many ways. The flowers are poetic and tragic in their beauty; the tones are soft and gorgeous; the depth of field is interesting to the eye, leading in and out of focus.

However - for the challenge Edward Weston, it's not really fitting. I will try to illuminate why. Weston uses a deep depth of field - that means everything is in the same degree of focus (sharp) throughout the entire image. Even in his closeups, he has a degree of distance, so the viewer can approach the subject. He uses predominantly pure black and white, as well as deeply contrasting tones. His subject is in the frame in its entirety (for the most part). Your image doesn't follow any of these conditions, which is probably why it did not receive a very good score.

If I may recommend, take a look at Weston's body of work, and take a look at the top 10 scoring images in this challenge - that might give you an idea of the style that was sought after for this round.

I feel your work overall has a strong artistic tendency, which you should really continue to pursue. With some technical improvement I think you could become a remarkable photographer.

Best wishes,


S p r i n g T i m e
04/04/2011 07:34:10 PM
S p r i n g T i m e
by chelseaXOXO

Comment by bassbone:
the image seems to be missing the deep depth of field you would expect for a Weston image
S p r i n g T i m e
03/31/2011 10:21:27 AM
S p r i n g T i m e
by chelseaXOXO

Comment by DiscoVader:
The subject isn't captured in what I think is a Weston way. Instead of being slightly puzzled by form being flattened almost to abstract, this just looks like a gorgeous shot of flowers. Having the entire subject(s) in focus would really help, but I think you need to look at your subject differently. Perhaps where the flower on the left meets the stem would have more promise in my opinion.
Her Morning
03/18/2011 03:55:28 PM
Her Morning
by chelseaXOXO

Comment by expatdawn:
Too much empty space at the top for me.
Her Morning
03/18/2011 10:31:13 AM
Her Morning
by chelseaXOXO

Comment by MCPixel:
Nice composition, I think everyone can relate.
Her Morning
03/16/2011 09:49:12 PM
Her Morning
by chelseaXOXO

Comment by idealodds:
This doesn't really speak to me.
Modern Justice
03/16/2011 12:25:43 PM
Modern Justice
by chelseaXOXO

Comment by pointandshoot:
This has a photographic innocence to it that I find very refreshing. Wonderful colors, the off-white balance works to your advantage in the overall color scheme - it is an effect I often try to duplicate in post processing.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~27

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